Thoughts and Firsts

Start from the beginning

       "What's wrong, Bambi?" I ask her and she looks up at me with soft eyes, the same one I fell in love with all those years ago.

       "Are we okay?" She asks me and the question hits me straight in the gut.

      "We're fine, Courtney. This job just has me anxious. I love you." I tell her and she gives me the phrase in return. As I make my way out of the apartment, I can't help but feel like I lied to her.


     "Elliot, you look nervous. You met Zayvion haven't you?" I turn my head and look at Ms.Wendy with a anxious smile.

      "Is that the one with the black hair and green eyes?" I ask her and she nods her head.

       "Yes. That's him. Don't worry, he's not hard to talk to. I'm sure he'll be more than happy to take you up on your offer if you ask just right." She tells me with a wink and I blanch a little in surprise as my cheeks stain red.

       "Oh, I'm not gay." I tell her and she raises her brows in surprise before she laughs and shakes her head at me.

      "A straight human. Oh Goddess. This will be fun." She says as if to herself as she returns herself to whatever work she has in front of her. Before I can ask a question, I hear the sound of a buzzer done the hallways to my right and in a few seconds, I see Zayvion coming down the hallway, with bags under his eyes and a cup in hand.

       "Good morning Ms.Wendy." He says to to the receptionist and it takes him a second to notice me, but I can tell the second he does. His green eyes darken a bit and hit nostrils flare but I try my hardest not to notice. "Hello, Elliot."

      I feel my heart skip a beat as he says my name and it makes me frown. I chalk it up to left over anxiety and greet hin with a small smile and a nod.

       "Good morning, Zayvion." I tell him and he groans to glare at Ms.Wendy.

       "Come on, baby. You're killing me!" He says and she laughs before turning to me.

"He likes to go by Zay, but call him whatever you like. I always do." She says and Zay glares at her before he turns to me and nods at me to follow him making me gulp nervously.

"Let's go, Elliot. We don't need this ghastly woman corrupting you in your first day." He says turning one last time to give the receptionist a look before he starts to lead me down the hallway, but just as I guessed, she won't let him have the last word.

"Yeah, because I'm the corruption." I glance over at Zay and see his cheeks flaring red as he shows me the locker room door I saw the out her day and explains it to me.

     "This is the locker room. You get dressed here, shower, keep spare clothes and store everything you need in your locker. You'll have to buy yourself a lock for your locker." He tells me and I nod along as I try to avoid eye contact. As much as he seems okay, I can't afford to have those mysterious green eyes stuck in my head any longer than they already have.

      He opens the door and leads me in. We turn right towards one set of lockers and he points out his own before pointing to a beautiful girl a few doors down that I recognize from Monday.

      "This is my locker and this hideous woman is Bethany. We try to keep her with the other exhibits, but sometimes she escapes." He says and I chuckle to myself as Bethany hits him on the back of the head before side stepping Zay and coming towards me with an outstretched hand.

       "Nice to meet you Elliot. Just ignore Zay, everyone else does. And don't fall into his charms they're all a trap." She warns me and I can no longer hold in my response.

       "Everyone keeps warning me away from him, but I'm not gay. Though it makes me question just what he's done to gain such a reputation." I say with a slight chuckle, curious despite my playful tone. Bethany ans Zay share a look before she turns back to me.

       "Oh, sorry. Most of us are Supers and we're all pretty fluid with our sexuality. You know, because of the soulmate bond and all." She explains and I nod as it clicks. Darren did say I was one of the only humans working here.

       "And I've done nothing to get such a reputation. I'm a hybrid. Angel and Incubus. Comes with the territory." Zay says and when I turn towards him he's looking down at the ground as if in disappointment. But before I can question it, he's opening his locker to hand me a stack of clothes. "Here's your uniform. As soon as you get changed we'll get started."

      I glance around with my brows raised until Bethany seems to get it and gives me and soft smile.

       "Stalls are to the right and down the hall." She tells me and I smile gratefully before turning away and avoiding those forrest green eyes.

This is so funny to me. I kind of feel bad for Courtney a little bit. And Elliot too. Neither of them asked for this. Zay is probably warding with himself right now.



QOTD: Finding Nemo or Finding Dori?

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