Chapter 8

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We walked into the college, there were few students at this time as it was still early in the morning. Kathy suggested that we three should come early to have our most awaited spill the tea session, it includes telling each other everything we have done so far without the knowledge of the other party involved as specified in the written agreement between the three of us.

When we were walking down the hallways, I noticed that almost every single girl was either smiling towards me or saying greetings like hey, hello girl, hi, have an amazing day, morning and so on. Some even high fived me. What's happening?

"What's going on?" I whispered to Monica and Kathy.

"I have no idea!" Kathy quickly mouthed back.

"I know!!" Monica said out aloud.

"Can you be a little less louder." I said looking around.

"They all want to befriend you, that's all." Monica said like it was nothing big.

"WHAT???" I shouted and dragged both of them towards a corner where no one could see us.

"Now tell me what's this all about? God, do they know that I'm Lawrence??" I asked Monica but this time in a low voice. She just shook her head and laughed a little.

"Can you just tell us already?" Kathy said, narrowing her eyes at Monica.

"Okay, okay! So the thing is that Mr. Reynolds hasn't given his contact number to any CR in other classes he teaches." She said but I gave her an incredulous look, so she added, "Apparently, he has only given them the email address to contact him."

"Stupid girls, if and only if they know, that even I tried to find it but couldn't because of your stupid contact saving techniques." Monica muttered under her breath but I heard her. I narrowed my eyes at her and she just let out a nervous laugh.

"That's why, I never save contacts with the actual name." I told Monica smugly.

"By the way, I still can't believe all that fuss was just to get the number. Can they be anymore stupid?" I said

"You're blind if you can't melt under his gaze!" Monica defended

"Hey guys, what about our spill the tea session." Kathy said chirpily. Both Monica and I looked at her for a minute before she added, "No soul in this college can cancel our spill the tea session, even us. It's against the rule book, the three of us had signed willfully." She shrugged. We both sigh.

The moment I stepped into his class, he looked towards me like he had an agenda in his mind. "Good, you're here, just go and bring my laptop from my office." He said. So I quickly went to his office to grab his laptop.

"Here" I said, handing out his laptop.

"Actually, I realized that I don't need it now. Just leave it back at my office." He said, smirking. I just stood there with an incredulous look because his office is far away from this room.

"Now! Ms. Winget, I need to start the lecture." He grabbed the marker and started to write on the board. I need to go back to his office. Huh.

I was wrong if I ever underestimated him because I'm exhausted from going back and forth to his office. I returned after placing his laptop back in his office. Bad day to wear heels? I think so.

"You're late for the class, CR." He said as soon as I entered. Like seriously, he had the audacity to say that to me when he was the one who made me go miles for his dear laptop which he doesn't even need. I get it, he is a slow revenge taker. Like he didn't do anything after the day I gave him his chit back and now here he is with the full proof business plan of some sort. So I ignored whatever he said and took my seat at the back of the classroom.

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