Chapter 5

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Being in maths class feels like hours. Ask me why, well for starters, we almost got bumped into each other in the hallways yesterday and then in the class he kept looking at me the entire time. Like.... WHY ME?

"I was thinking about choosing the class representative(CR). So interested students can give their names now, if no one's interested then I'll make one myself." He said looking around. Almost all the girls raised their hands and not to my surprise Monica was one of them. Kathy and I tried hard to control our laughter.

"Okay as we can see there are so many students who want to become CR implying that we cannot choose one without any competition." He said thinking about something. Everyone in the class seemed curious.

"You all will be given one question, whosoever solves it first will be the CR." This is his plan for choosing the CR. I mean is he serious? Didn't he notice that none of these girls pay attention to the class because of his charming looks.

"What kind of question sir?" Carrie, the famous barbie girl asked, batting her eyelashes. Huh dumb.

"The kind of questions you encounter in maths." He said in a professional tone. "Whosoever raised their hands, please come to the front." At least fifteen girls walked to the front. He wrote the question on the board and went to stand by the right side of the board.

"You can start now." He told them to start solving. I must say we do know how to solve such a question but the looks on girls faces tell a whole different story. Ohh boy.

After what feels like 2 days, the last girl finally said the incorrect answer.

"I'm sorry Ms. Cooper but it's the wrong answer." Mr. Reynolds said disapprovingly, "Now that none of them was able to solve the problem. I want others to give it a try too." He said staring at me the whole time. "So Mr. Aubry please come to the front" he told a boy sitting at the back, "and you all can go take a seat" he said pointing to all the girls with the dreams of becoming the CR for getting his phone number. To be honest, this is the first time I have ever seen the girls getting so desperate to become the CR. How can someone fall for the looks, I mean we just know him for what like 2 days?

"I don't know sir." The boy said.

"Okay next is Ms. Peterson." Mr. Reynolds said to Kathy but his eyes were focused on me. She looked at me for help but before I could speak anything he told her to come to the front.

"Sir actually I'm not feeling well that's why I don't think I'll be able to do it now. Even though I would have been able to solve this, if I wasn't sick." She said coughing at the end to make it look real.

"Okay you can sit down. Now Ms. Winget." He said looking straight in my eyes with a hint of smirk on his lips.

"I'm not interested in becoming CR so I guess I'm excluded from all of this." I said confidently. Truthfully, being a CR comes with it's responsibilities which by the way I'm not at all interested in.

"If you don't know how to solve it then you can straight away say it like everyone else." He said, still smirking. I want to rip that smirk off his face.

"I guess you didn't pay attention in maths all these years." He said when I didn't reply. Is he trying to get on my nerves? Because it's freaking working. Now you have to face the consequences Mr. Reynolds.

"Ohh please." I said, smirking. He doesn't know one bit about me and acts as if he has known me my entire life. What an idiot.

I got up from my desk and went straight towards the left side of the board to grab the marker. After examining the question properly once again I begin to solve it. It wasn't that tough though. I solved the question in about 2 minutes and smirked towards Mr. Reynolds' shocked face. Huh. However his face was worth watching. He quickly changed his expression from a shocking one to a smirking one. What is wrong with him? I guess he needs mental help. I made a mental note to search for a nearby psychiatrist clinic for him.

"Now you are officially the CR of my class." He said, I looked around to spot jealous looks on girls' faces and as for boys I can't tell.

"Don't you remember me saying that I don't want to be the CR." I said each word slowly like explaining it to a baby.

"Didn't you listen to me when I said that whosoever solves the problem will become CR." He said mimicking my tone. Ughhh.

"Fine!!!" I said childishly. He laughed at me. Devil with a charming face, I'm telling you. Everyone started to get out of the class. I fished my phone out of my pocket and searched for the required details I very much needed. I quickly wrote it down on the paper.

I picked up my bag and other things and walked towards Mr. Reynolds.

"Put my number in your phone and don't give it to anybody." He said as if he is the president of the country or some celebrity. I rolled my eyes at him. I don't want to save his number in my phone. Nevertheless, I saved his number and he saved mine.

When I almost reached the door, I realized that I had forgotten something so I turned back around.

"Sir, actually I wanted to give this to you." I said and smiled sweetly at him while handing him the paper.

"What's this?" He said opening the paper, "Ohh is this your address and phone number?" He said, smirking. Oh boy if only he knew.

"Ohh you wish." With that I walked out of the class. Thankfully Kathy and Monica were waiting for me outside the class, I caught up with them to walk up to the next class.

"So what was in that paper that you gave to Mr. Hottie?" Monica asked.

"I can bet it was not a love letter for sure." Kathy said confidently, well at least she knows me well.

"I am pretty sure that you both will laugh your ass off if you got to know about the contents of that paper." I simply told them.

"You better tell us right now or...." Kathy said

"Or?" I asked challenging her

"Or we'll ask Mr. Hottie." Monica said smugly. Nope I can't let that happen and knowing she can do that.

"Well...... I kind of gave him...."

"What did you give him? Tell us fast girl!!!" Kathy said

"the address and....."

"You what?" Kathy's jaw dropped to the ground.

"The address. She said address, and I'm assuming it's her." Monica told Kathy, forgetting about my presence. She turned towards me, "Now you continue."

"phone num.."

"OMG JENNIFER!!!!!!!!" Monica said. She covered her mouth when she realized that she was too loud. Kathy was standing besides Monica, totally shocked.

"Will you please let me finish first." I said in an authoritative voice. They both nodded.

"That address and phone number belong to the psychiatrist clinic." I finally completed the sentence without any interruptions. I examined their faces, it looks like they are having hard time processing the new found information. But after a minute or two they fell into fits of laughter, I joined them too. I still can't believe I actually handed that paper to him but he deserves it.

You're the reason behind my S.M.I.L.ETahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon