Chapter 4

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It's my first day at college as professor as I only visited once for administration work. Practically it's a second day but I had taken leave yesterday because my sister came back from Australia. So I had to go pick her up from the airport. My sister and I have been very close since childhood. After picking her up from the airport, we spent the whole day catching up and watching movies.

I went directly to the principal's office for some work that needs to be done first. When I got out of the office, I noticed many people watching me with curious and dreamy eyes. Haven't they seen a strikingly handsome man before? I guess not. A woman approached me batting her eyelashes with a pile of makeup sitting on her face.

"Jass, I'm a professor here too. I'm guessing you are the one who visited a day before yesterday for administration purposes and caused havoc in here with your charming looks." She said, still trying to look seductive.

"Yeah that's me." I said smirking and left her before she could say anything. It's my first day here and I don't want to waste it talking to some bimbo.

I was walking towards my office and was about to turn the corner when out of nowhere a girl came running. We almost bumped if it was not for her reflexes that she was able to keep up a tiny gap between us. I couldn't see her face. Because within a matter of seconds she looked down. She is wearing a red top and light blue ripped jeans with black sandals. Her hair, put above her head in a ponytail and I can see some loose strands of hair. But still she hadn't looked up.

"I'm sorry" she said softly without looking up. I was about to say something but she ran away. I gotta say she runs with the speed of lightning. But I wanted to see her face badly.

What are you thinking Ryan? Just go to your classroom to teach. She must be a student here plus you can't think of a student like that. My conscience told me. Exactly what was I even thinking?

I took one class at 10 am and now it's time for the second one in room 21. I reached the class and noticed students are settling down and some are even coming in talking with their friends. College life is the best. I missed my friends. When everyone settled down I started to introduce myself as this is my first class with them.

"Hello students. My name is Ryan Reynolds. I'll be teaching you mathematics this semester. It's your last semester in college so you need to work hard. I'll take tests weekly in order to keep track of you all whether you are getting everything or not. Anyone want to ask any questions?" No one asked anything so I started with the first topic. After about 10 minutes there was a gentle knock on the door.

"Sir can we come in?" A long hair girl asked me, accompanied by someone behind her.

"Yeah sure come in." I told them. When the long hair girl walked in first, that's when I noticed the girl behind her whom I almost bumped into earlier, entering the classroom. They got settled in the second row. The girl from morning, took out her notebook and pen. I was staring at her. I just have this urge to see her face. You'll ask me why? But I've no idea.

Finally she looked up at me and my heart started to beat fast. I am speechless after seeing her. She has hazel brown sparkling eyes. Her skin looks so soft. She has angelic features. Everything about her fascinates me. She is the epitome of beauty. She is the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen. We continued staring at each other until she broke it and looked down at her notebook.

I started explaining everything from the beginning as they were late. I explained everything, stealing glances at her here and there. I asked if anyone had a doubt and some students raised their hands. I explained it to them again. When I looked up at her she was looking at someone giving a tight lipped smile. I followed her gaze and saw a guy smiling at her. I don't like this guy already.

"Okay so that's it for today. Since I don't have the register just yet, you all can just pass on this sheet to everyone for the attendance." I told the class passing the sheet to the student sitting in front.

She was getting out of the class when I said "wait" to her. She turned around and noticed that I was referring to her. Her friend left so she started walking towards me. When she came close, I forgot how to speak. I kept staring at her. She cleared her throat to get my attention.

"It's okay" I said, answering to her sorry she said in the morning.
Now she looks at me confused. She is standing there watching me dumbfounded.

After a whole minute passed away, I realized that she must not remember me as she didn't look up. So I elaborated "You said sorry. You know in the morning."

She was looking down for 2 solid minutes which looked like an hour to me after which she finally looked up again.

"I'm extremely sorry about that. It won't happen again sir, ever." with that she ran away like she did in the morning. What is it with her and the running away thing?

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