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"Stop laughing, you assholes."

You know how an ostrich would firmly plant its head into the ground when scared? Yeah, that's what I want to do right now, the only difference is that I'm not afraid.

I'm fucking embarrassed.

"Well, it is funny! I teased you real good, that you have to admit." Xander had a big wide smile that was plastered onto his face and it only made me want to run away and hide even more. "You thought he and I were dating! What the heck!"

"It seemed that way to me alright?"

"Yeah, dating my stepbrother. How awesome! That would be a great story starter!" He slid his arms around Daniel, pulling him closer by the shoulder. "The kink is real!"

I really wanted to break his arm right then and there.

"Stop it, Xan." He pushed Xander away, who now has an irritatingly wide smile on his face.

"You caused this misunderstanding, so stop making it worse." Daniel snapped. "Though me giving vague answers didn't really help much. Sorry about that." Daniel scratched the back of his neck and looked down. He was trying to hide the fact that he found the whole situation funny but it didn't help.

I still saw the smile on his face.

Since I was playing spy just some time before this, let Agent T give you the run down.

It was a misunderstanding , as stated by Daniel. Fucking huge one. These two here are step-brothers. Same dad, different mum.

And that asshole told me he was an only child. Tsk.

Xander knew about me since day one and thought it was funny to annoy the shit out of me, just for the sake of it. Daniel thought of telling me when the time was ripe.

That backfired, obviously.

And Xander is here not only because of transfer, but because of their dad.

Long story short. It's not what you think, the end.

"Yeah, you didn't help one bit. Thanks for making me look like an idiot."

"Come on, don't be mad," Daniel tried to coax me out of my emotions, holding my hand and running his thumb over my knuckles.

I sighed a heavy sigh. The anger and embarrassment in me started to dissipate. At least, Daniel was still mine.

"So what's going on with your dad?" I asked, deciding you change the topic. "I thought you don't talk to him anymore."

"Well, yeah. I don't."

"He doesn't," Xander cuts in. "To be frank with you, I only found out about you recently too, but before the transfer. What great timing though. I found someone to poke fun at." He smirked and wiggles his eyes brows at me. For fucks sake, he's really annoying.

"Whatever. How did you find out about me anyway?" 

"Well, you were both wearing the same necklace. Oh, and there's this box-"

"Shut it Xan!" Daniel nearly shouted. Xander placed his hand over his mouth and acted all surprised, like he wasn't supposed to leak that information.

"Oh, you have info on that box." This guy has successfully piqued my interest, but now wasn't the time. "We'll get to that another day. For now, explain whatever's going on with your dad, since I only know half of your story."

"Well, you see-"

"Before he gets his brain into overdrive, I'll explain the story for him," Xander announced. "It's dad's 60th birthday. He wants you to be there."


"Yes, and?"

"That's it." Xander shrugged his shoulders.  That's it? Is he being serious?

"You literally baited me, and left me on the hook hanging." I rubbed my temples. "How is that explaining?"

Xander just laughed. That idiot laughed for cliffhanging me. Fucking asshole.

"Sorry, he's quite irritating." I scoffed.

"Yes, we don't talk anymore, at least like we used to. After I left home to be exact."

"There's where I come in!" Xander announced proudly. "I'm the wonderful middle man, here to build bridges and mend past connections! Man, I'm so useful!"

Someone shut this man's mouth, god.

Daniel, very rightfully, ignored him and kept going. "My idiot of a step brother has been telling me how much dad regrets and all that kind of thing. I'm not sure I believe it though."

"Well, you could just meet him and see for yourself, isn't it? When's the birthday?"

"Next week."

I thought for a while. Encouraging him to meet his dad could go both ways. For one, it could have a happy ending. They reconcile, and tears and joy. Father and son getting the opportunity to bond again.

Or it could just go horribly wrong and I would see smashed vases on the floor.

"How about this? I'll go with you." Worry dissipated from his face and it turned into one that had the words 'what the fuck? did I hear you correctly' planted into his forehead.

And to me, he looked ridiculously cute when confused.

"You heard me right. I'll go with you. If anything, I can be there to help you catch the bullets. Think of me as bulletproof acrylic."

"I think a bulletproof vest may be a more appropriate choice of word here," Xander interrupted.

I rolled my eyes at the annoying guy. "Whatever, you get the idea. So what do you say?"

Daniel looked like he was at a loss for words. "Are you serious?" was all he asked.

"Either we walk out alive or get skinned alive. Doesn't matter." I held his hand in mine and gave it a squeeze. "I wanna be there for you."

He smiled and shook his head. "You really don't mind, do you? You know where's a chance he will throw a chair at you?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I'll just try to dodge it the best I can. Just don't hit my head. I don't want to end up in the hospital again."

Daniel just laughed. "I guess you're going with me then."

"I think I'm about to puke watching you two love birds." Xander interrupted. I shot him a look that ordered him to shut his mouth. He turned and watched into the kitchen. "I think I'll see myself out."

"How the fuck did you get such a pest of a stepbrother?" I asked when Xander was finally out of sight.

"I was surprised myself when I found out. He contacted me probably a few years ago. I find it eerily creepy that he's our senior too."

"It's not creepy, it's just ridiculous at this point," I stated. "You need to make it up to me. I looked like a jealous bitch back there."

Daniel placed his hand on my head and ruffled my hair. "A cute jealous bitch."

"Oh my god, no. Don't call me that."

Daniel let out a hearty laugh. "Alright I'll stop teasing. Well, since you're here, stay awhile. I'll chase Xander out."

"I HEARD THAT!" Xander shouted from the kitchen, his voice thundering through the apartment.

I'm so chasing him out.


A/N: I'm two weeks late. I'm so sorry. I had some health issues to deal with 😪

How was this part for you? Please comment and let me know!

See you in the next part!

Stay safe everyone! 💕

-heavily unedited-

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