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"Come on in. You can sit anywhere you like, " I told him as I made my way into my room to put my things down.

"Thanks," I heard him mutter under his breath as he stepped in. He was definitely on alert mode. I could see the words 'Is this guy gonna kill me?' etched onto his forehead.

Clearly I did not think this through. Inviting someone up into your house when you've only known the guy for what, less than a month?

I know what you're thinking. I was out of my mind. Couldn't agree more myself.

I changed out of my teacher-outfit into my usual sweats and shirt. Walking out of the room, I saw that Daniel was looking at a photo placed on one of the shelves.

"That's my older sister," I pointed out.

He nodded. "You both look alike."

"Thanks. She's acts more like a mother than a sister. Can be a little overbearing at times."

My sister and I were very close. Inseparable even. Especially when we were younger. She was always going on about how I should watch where I was going or making sure I wouldn't stay out too late.

At times, she would even cover up my mischief for me so I wouldn't get an earful from mum and dad.

So when she decided to pursue her studies all the way on the other side of the world, I was bawling at the airport.

And that will be the last time I cry like a three year old in public.

"She seems like a nice person," he commented as he walked over to the dining table.

"How about yourself? Have any siblings?" I asked as I headed for the kitchen.

"Single child here. Was pretty lonely growing up," he answered.

That got me thinking a little. It only occurred to me that this would happen in TV shows, that your the only child and very lonely. Didn't think I'd hear it in real life.

From my experience, if you were are single child, the parents usually would spoil the child rotten. They often got the treated like kings and queens.

I guess it comes down to the individual household and how the child feels.

The educator in me felt a little sorry for young Daniel in that instant. I didn't like the thought of him growing up all lonely.

"Need a drink? I have some apple juice and green tea," I held up both bottles in my hands.

"Green tea would be fine."

I poured him a glass and placed it in front of him. He had already begun to dig into his soba noodles.

Him bending forward was enough for me to see the red necklace band that was still around his neck.

Was this type of necklace common? Why did he have it too? The cat in me was itching to ask him because it seemed too similar to mine.

Which reminds me, he must have noticed it by now. That I was wearing the same one. With my causal wear, there's no way he'd miss it. I wonder if he's as curious as I am.

"Oh yeah, been meaning to ask you. How old are you?"

He swallowed down his food. "I'm turning thirty in a few months."

"I see, so I'm older than you. We're two years apart." I sulked a little. Recalling my age just made me recall all the unhappiness I had bottling inside.

"You're not that old."

"Maybe. Anyway, you mentioned that you're a graduate. What did you major in?"

Daniel put down his cutleries and stopped eating altogether. He stared at the half empty plate that was in front of him.


His eyes jolted up as he looked at me. "Yeah," he took a deep breath in and exhaled as he answered.

"Did I say something wrong?" Shit, shit, shit. Did I step on a landmine or a ticking time bomb? Can't tell which was worse.

"No, you didn't." He crossed his arms and leaned against the table. "I did my degree in Education. Bachelor of Arts in Education."

I almost jumped at the fact that we finally had something in common.

"I did a similar degree too! Only mine was in Early Childhood Education."

He smiled, but I could somehow feel a little sadness hidden within.

"I'm guessing you still like kids?" Still?

"Well, I love children but there's still this stupid stigma having male teachers in a classroom. They think that we males are only teachers because we wanted to see naked children." I shook my head. "I ended up being a lecturer instead."

"Did you ever get the chance to work in a center?" he asked.

"Well, yeah. For a few years. What about you?"

"I only did it for a few months before I stopped."

I somehow got the clue that he didn't really want to talk about it, so I shut my mouth. After that, I tried to steer the conversation into more lighter topics.

Through our little chit-chat session, I found out that he lives on his own, just a few streets away from the coffee shop. I did a mental walkabout of the area and realized that he didn't live too far away from where I was.

He doesn't drink beer but he's down for soju or liquor. I may have just found myself a drinking buddy.

Who am I kidding? It's just another excuse to ask him out.

Time does fly when you're having fun and talking to Daniel was really enjoyable. It's been awhile since I talked to someone in such a relaxed manner.

Or was I just too uptight all the time?

"It's late. I really should get going." He cleared the food containers and placed them into the plastic bag before tying it together. "I'll throw these on the way out."

I walked him to the door, unlocking it for him to he stepped out. Anyone could tell that I was reluctant to let him leave.

"What is it?" he asked while hooking the back of his shoe, trying to pull it past his heels.

"I'll see you around, right?"

His mouth curved upwards for a split second before swinging his bag over shoulders, giving a little shrug. "Maybe. We'll see about that."


A/N: I'm so so sorry for updating so late. But hey! We got a new chapter today!

What do you think about these two?

The talk about family background?

Let me know in the comments! I welcome massive spams? 😄😄😄

See you soon!

Stay safe <3

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