PART 34 | patience grasshopper

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"We should probably learn some Ninja skills," he murmured.

Amusement took over me, and I shook with laughter. "Ninja skills huh?" I lifted my head to look at him.

Caiden stared down, grinning at me like a little boy. "It was either that or become Secret Agents. And to me Ninja's are way cooler."

"Ninja's it is." I slid my hands down his chest to grip his waist and I noted how my touch made his eyelids lower in this cute, sexy way. "So what will our Ninja skills be used for?"

He stepped closer, pressing deeper into my body. "For ways in which I can get you alone without anyone knowing where to find us."

I raise an eyebrow. "Well, I'm a fast learner."

Caiden grins, holding me tighter.


The next morning, I come back from an early 4 am- 6 am surf to find dad awake.

"How come your up so early."

"I wanted to catch you for a talk without your mum interrupting."

I tuck strands of wet hair behind my ears, ocean water from my still soaked bathing suit drips onto the floor. "Ok, what about."

"Get a banana first, you must be hungry."

I take a ripe green banana off the fruit bowl. I hate yellow bananas they're too soft and sweet for me. "So what's up."

"I want the deets bout your date yesterday."

My eyes widen and I laugh. "Dad, don't ever say deets again."

"Isn't that what your generation uses though?"

"Maybe, but I certainly don't."

My father rolls his eyes and wheels himself into an angle that he can comfortably see me in.
"Fine. I want to know how your date went with that boy Caiden."

I shove some banana into my mouth. "It's 6 in the morning."


"Ok. Ok. We went out to Qual Point for lunch. He wanted to show me where his mum took him when he was a kid."

Dad nods. "Was it fun?"

My thoughts wander back to when he pressed me up against the car, just to kiss me and ask me out. I bite my lip to stop the smile thats coming like crazy.

"Excatly what I wanted to know," dad said.

"What? I didn't say anything."

"But it was written all over your face."

I sigh. "What exactly did you wake up at 6 am to find out?"

He grins slyly. "To find out if you truly like this boy."

Then he wheels off back into his room.
I shake my head, giggling a little. As much as that slightly embarressed me, I'm glad he did it.


"Your not going to forget about me again are you?" Asked Sage as he stayed seated in the passenger seat of my car, which I parked a few minutes ago infront of the school.

I groan. "No I am not. Now get your ass out of the car, I need to lock it."

"Yeah, your just so eager to see Caiden Hurley," my little brother teases.

"Like you just can't wait to see Meg Larkin."

Sage's cheeks tinge pink. He's had this crush on a girl in his class since our first day of school. He's only gone as far as become her friend.

Playing The SurferHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin