PART 30| come and find me

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Caiden's P

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Caiden's P.O.V

THE NEXT DAY there is no sign of Kennedy. I haven't gotten a text, a call, a reason, just nothing and without her here my mood has instantly fallen.

I keep thinking if I read the text from yesterday wrong. Maybe it wasn't the kiss she liked about laser tag.

No I'm over reacting.

Michelle try's to comfort me "Come on Caiden, she's probably sick."

"But because of me, she's grounded for three weeks and can't surf. And everyone knows how much she envy's a wave."

We all walk down the hallway to get to lunch.

"Hey isn't that her brother?" Kingston points out to boy not to far away from us.

I nod and jog over, maybe i'll get some anwsers. "Sage," I call out twice.

He turns around. "Oh hey Caiden."

My eyes roam his face. He really does look like her. "I was wondering where Kennedy is. Haven't heard from her."

He fold his arms across his chest. "Mum took her phone this morning."

I nod, processing that thought, makes sense. So at least she's not deliberately avoiding my texts.

"Why isn't she at school?"

Sage smirks. "Why do you care so much?"

I roll my eyes. "Because she's my friend and I just do, now care to tell me?"

He examines me crucially.
"Your the reason she wasn't so upset at home last night aren't you."

I furrow my brows. "What do you mean?"

"Well when she's usually grounded, she gets pretty pissed off. Not to mention how murderous she'll feel cause she can't surf."

"So she wasn't like that at all?"

He shakes his head, "Nah uh." He pauses for a minute. Then his eyes widen as if he'd just figured everything out.

"You ditched with her didn't you!"

My silence answers his question. "Don't worry I won't tell mum. It's nice to see her happy again."


He nods and looks at the locker. "Pretty hard on us all. Dad most of all."

I pat his shoulder, unsure of how to act.

He returns his gaze to me. "Anyways your question. Kenjis spending the day with dad, appointments and physio therapy, stuff like that."

I sigh in relief. So she hasn't got Mono. Thank god for that.

"Ok, thanks."


Pe pro is one of my favourite subjects. Its basically regular physical activity but with more advanced people, and harder stuff. Long story short. All the sporty kids take it.

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