PART 23 | good thing

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Caiden's P

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Caiden's P.O.V

I WANT TO kiss her so fucking bad.

Feeling her gaze move to my own lips made me stare longingly at hers. I can't help but lean forward.

But the moment doesn't feel quite right... I want to kiss her under the stars.


I want to kiss her under the stars tonight.

It takes all I can to pull back and refrain from kissing her. For a minute I see disappointment flicker through her features, and I instantly regret it. I should've just kissed her now. Why does she have to be so goddam stunning.

"If you don't want to tell me, I understand," I said, changing the subject back to why she ran out.

She bites her lip and I swoon a little. "His name was Sam Conroy."

I'm taken back by her sudden mood to open up.

"I grew up with him back in Aussie. Sam was my best friend."

I lick my lips. There goes that word 'was' again. Did they have an argument?
"Did your friendship break?" I ask unsure of what to say.

Kennedy shakes her head and a few tears fall effortlessly down her face. "He died," she whispers.


I couldn't imagine losing King or Jersey. But I know the grief she bares. I pull her into a hug and she instantly wraps her arms around my torso.

I'm not sure its wise of me to ask what I'm about to ask, as it will probably cause her more pain, and It hurts me to see shes in this way. But she needs someone, just like how I did.


I feel her inhale shakily. "Remember how I told you my father lost his legs?"


"Well Sam was there that day with his brother." I stay quiet while she collects herself. "They were sitting on the beach waxing surfboards. They hadn't even noticed my father heading into the waves and w-when they finally did... It was to late.

"The shark had pulled my father off his board and dragged him under the waves by his legs. Sam ran into the water and began pulling him back to the shore by using his board as a stretcher. Just as they were almost there the shark came after Sam. He pushed the surfboard with my father on it all the way to where his brother was in the shallows..."

Kennedy sobs against my chest and I hold her tighter as if I could transfer her pain to me.
"We never recovered his body."

"Kennedy, I'm so so sorry."

She burys her head deeper in to my shirt, "I thought that if I tried forgetting him, the hurt would leave with it."

I remember trying that too. When my mother died. I believed forgetting her may help my grief. But it only caused me to lose part of myself.

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