PART 19 | he never cries

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Julie's P

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Julie's P.O.V

WE STAND OUTSIDE in the lamp lit carpark. A few minutes ago I spoke to Jersey for the first time in ages. Though Michelle, Hayley and Kennedy all cornered Me while Michelle basically bribed me into it.

She told me I could keep her clothes I'm wearing right now if I talk to him for the rest of the night.

A cold night breeze washes over me. Goosebumps spreading my arms.

"Julie. I'm sorry," Jersey said to me.

I fold my arms and look away from him. Sorry won't cut it. He told me he loved me and I told him I loved him too then days later he's going around taking girls virginity's.

Jersey moves to his left, so he's in my line of sight. "Please Julie, look at me."

I look up at him. At my first love, my first best friend.

And damn did puberty hit him well.

He looks back at me, his chocolate brown eyes searching deep into my soul.

"Why did you do it?" I whisper quietly.

I watch him bite his lip and glance at his feet. "They teased me about it."

"Teased you about what? Me?"

He shakes his head, his beautiful curls bouncing in the light. "Not you. Never you."

Then why? What did they tease you about?

"I thought we had something."

Jersey steps closer and I resist the urge to step away. I need to know. I need to finally let him speak, so I can understand.

"We did and we still do Jules, we've just buried it, and I've been trying for so long to dig it back up again."

Tears burn my eyes, and threaten to spill the heartfelt memories. "I never buried it Jersey! I've always loved you!"

He runs a hand through his hair and in the flicker of light shining across his face I see the wetness of his eyes too.

He never cries. Never in the whole life I've know him have I seen him cry or even come close to tears.

"And I love you."

I shake my head side to side. My hair swinging against my shoulders. I can't come to believe him. "That's a lie Jersey! If you loved me you wouldn't have done what you did."

A single tear falls down Jersey's cheek and at that my heart breaks once again. It's a clean sound. Like the snapping of a flower stem.

"You don't get it Julie! We were teenage boys! I had never kissed a girl! You were my first! Everyone else had kissed and made out millions of times."

A lump rises in my throat.

"King and Caiden, they both had already lost their virginity and made out with dozens of girls." He doesn't wipe the tears that begin to fall down his face.

"I was the loser little boy who had never dated! Time after time they teased me, even when we started dating they didn't stop."

He looks distraught. My beautiful fun loving Jersey I grew up to know looks absolutely heart broken. "I couldn't take it any more. So I made out with a couple of girls. Then I had meaningless sex."

I roll my bottom lip against my top one to stop a sob escaping.

This was why he did it.

This time I step closer to him. "You felt as if you weren't good enough, like you were still that little boy."

He gives me a sad smile. "Don't blame them. It's as much my fault as theirs."

I cup a hand to his jawline. "No. I'm sorry, I should've heard you out."

Jersey reaches out a hand to wipe away a stray tear that's fallen down my cheek. I didn't even notice it had left.

"Julie, I love you. Will you forgive me?"

I nod and smile, out of the corner of my eye I see our friends looking through the window pane. Watching us. But not hearing us.

"I forgive you."

He moves his hand to my waist gently pulling me to his chest.

"Can you forgive King and Caid too? I know how much guilt they're baring. And I've forgiven them already."

Wrapping my arms around his neck I look over at the boys. Should I?

He notices me contemplating. "Please?"

Turning my head back to him I decide. "It's all in the past, so I'll forgive them."

His eyes flicker to my lips. "Thank you Julie."

I graze my fingers on his neck. "Let's just focus on now."

Jersey leans in his head bent down, his breath tickling my lips. "I've missed you Jules."

This time my eyes flicker to his lips. "I've missed you too Jersey."

He holds me close and our lips meet.
I kiss him back softly and gently. I feel alive, like a part of me has finally shifted back into place. And I am whole again.

A/n: hehehehhehehehehehehhehehehhehehehehehehehhehe JULIE AND JERSEYS STORYYYY!!!!!! I reckon they're so cute!

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