PART 11 | truth or dare

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Caiden's p

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Caiden's p.o.v

"YOUR NOT DOING so well with Kennedy. Are you sure you don't want to try someone else?" Jersey said to me as we walked down the hallway in the same direction the girls ran off to.

"No, I'm still picking Kennedy. But I don't see you doing so well with your girl either," I raise my eyebrow at him.

He huffs and mutters something under his breath.

"Hayley and I have last period together, I think I'm going to do just fine. Unlike you too." King speaks as we walk into the cafeteria.

My eyes lock straight away on the table that Michelle, Julie and Kennedy are sitting at. I watch them turn their head away from us and continue talking.

"Caidy Boo!"


Via comes strutting over to me her servants on either side. She's dyed her hair blonde again, and given herself a fake tan.

Once she reaches me I notice how short her plaited mini skirt is and how tight her tube top is. I eye her up and down. She's a total bitch but my hormones right now really want that body back on me.

"Why didn't you snap chat me over the Christmas break?" she spoke, flipping her hair dramatically over one shoulder.

God, doesn't she understand that we're not dating anymore. Hormones aside.

"I didn't want too."

"And why didn't you want to snap chat this," Via said while gesturing her hands at her body.

I stare down at her seen as I'm a tall guy and it takes all my will to ignore my teenage hormones.

"Because we. Are. Not. Dating."

And with that I walk past her with Jersey and King hot on my tail.

Making my towards the seats we normally sat at last year, Jersey veers off and goes in the opposite direction.

"Where the fuck is he going?" Kingston said to me.

We watch as he heads in the direction of three girls.

Those three girls.

I groan, "Julie. He's going to sit with Julie."

Kingston shakes his head in disapproval.
"When is he ever going to learn."

"Come on," I say and we both walk over to their table.

The looks on their faces are priceless.

"Are you a fucking stalker?" Said Kennedy in her angry Australian accent.

It's kind of scary.

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