Chapter 41 - Paradise Island

Start from the beginning


Iplikci got stuck in a traffic jam on their way to the airport and almost missed their plane. They ran into the terminal building when the check-in was already coming to an end. Mentally thanking Sukru, who rolled their suitcases after them, Omer and Defne stopped for a minute at the information board and rushed off to look for their check-in point.

- Off! Defne gasped as the pretty girl checked in their tickets and took the luggage. - I thought we will miss the vacation in paradise.

- Yes, we got a portion of adrenaline, - agreed on Omer and asked anxiously: - Are you feeling well? Wasn't baby hurt by this race?

"Of course not," she smiled broadly and folded her palms on her belly. - Our girl, like her daddy, loves sports. While we were running, she flapped wonderfully in my belly and is now happy. And she wants something tasty.

Defne turned her eyes innocently and looked sideways at the pastry cafe. Omer laughed. Putting his hand on her back, he pushed her to the checkpoint of hand luggage and ordered:

- First, we will pass the inspection, and then we will go to drink tea with ... What do you want to eat? - asked, leaning to her ear.

"Eclairs," Defne said happily.

- Won't you get sick on the plane? - Omer worried.

- Nope! She said confidently.

Tea with eclairs had to be drunk in a hurry. There was a queue at the checkpoint, and when they finally settled all the formalities for tasty treats, there was only half an hour left.

Omer, finishing his coffee and glancing at his watch, confessed:

- Never before have I landed on a plane at such a pace.

Defne laughed and, pushing him with her shoulder, warned:

- Get used to it! I'm Defoe, there's no other way with me.

On the plane, seeing their places, Defne blinked, shook her head, and turned to her husband.

- What is this?

"First class seats on this plane," he replied smiling.

"More like a hotel room," Defne muttered, examining the wide armchairs, a small TV fixed just above the eyes, and a folding table. - Only there is no bed.

- Why not? - Omer pushed her to a place and sat down. - There is. These chairs unfold in a bed. Quite convenient, according to the brochure. Or did you think that I would make my beloved, pregnant wife suffer for more than twenty hours in an uncomfortable chair?

Defne looked at him with admiringly and said:

- You're incredible!

Omer winked at her and replied with her own words:

- Get used to it! I'm Omer Iplikci. There is no other way with me.

The plane took off and gained altitude. The stewardess, having familiarized the passengers with the flight information and allowing them to unfasten their seat belts, approached Iplikci. Smiling affably, she asked if the passengers had any wishes.

Omer asked for orange juice and water.

When she walked away, Defne suggested:

- Let's watch a movie.

- Choose one, - Omer turned on the playlist on the TV.

"Pride and prejudice," she said instantly. - Your favorite movie and mine too, and we still haven't watched it together.

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