~ Chapter 37 ~ (Persistent)

Start from the beginning

"Kanao, have you seen Kanae?" Shinobu asked. "No, she haven't returned yet at all" Kanao told Shinobu. Where could Kanae be right now? There's no demon right now since the sun is already rising.

Shinobu then remembered earlier before she split from Kanae and Giyuu earlier, both of them are still together. Shinobu then turned his attention to Giyuu.

"Tomioka, do you know where my sister is?" Shinobu asked. "When you split up to west earlier, Kanae said that she'll be at the east side. And then, we split up from each other" Giyuu told Shinobu.

Shinobu nodded in understanding and decided to wait. Her sister probably taking longer time to get here probably because the east side of the mountain is a bit far.

All of them waited for 10 minutes, however there is still no sign of the flower pillar. Shinobu is getting more worried right now. Is there anything happening to her sister right now? She really hope there's nothing bad happening to Kanae.

Shinobu then called both Giyuu and Kanao, "Listen! I'm going to look for my sister at the east right now." Shinobu told both of them.

Kanao nodded while Giyuu just said alright. Then Shinobu instantly vanished from their sight.

~With Kanae~

Kanae is gasping for her breath right now. She's trying her best to control her breath. She literally is getting more tired with every second she continue to fight (Y/N).

(Y/N) just stood in front of her, "It's over Kanae. Your already out of energy" (Y/N) said. He deactivated his sharingan. (Y/N) is still fine, he did not tired himself at all.

This was because the entire fight, (Y/N) merely stayed defensive. Kanae is the one who keeps attacking him while he either dodged or block all of her attacks.

(Y/N) did not have any intention to fight her at all. She's the one forced him into a battle with her. All this time, (Y/N) didn't even initiate any attacks on her at all.

All he did was making her tired herself out. (Y/N) knew the more Kanae used her breath attack, the more tired she will become.

And thus, it worked with how she seems struggling to stand up straight right now. (Y/N) put his blade away and began walking away.

"N-no... Wait!" Kanae said desperately trying to chase (Y/N). However (Y/N) keep walking away and getting more farther.

Kanae forced herself to stand up before starting to chase (Y/N). She can feel her legs burning from exhaustion.

However she didn't give up, she continue to run after him until she's literally a few steps away from him. "STOP!" Kanae said out loud.

(Y/N) stopped in his track but he didn't turned around. "You need to stop Kanae. It's not good to force your body when it's exhausted." (Y/N) told her.

"No... NO! I w-will not r-rest until you pay..." Kanae said between gasp. (Y/N) sighed before turning around facing Kanae. (Y/N) slowly walk to Kanae who continue to gasping for breath.

He immediately hold Kanae firmly holding her face making her facing him in the eyes. (Y/N) closed his eyes a few seconds before reopening them back with his sharingan activated.

Kanae stared into (Y/N)'s eyes as she began to lose consciousness. 'N-no, I'm losing my conscious... No... I can't... Or he will get awa....'

Kanae finally lose her consciousness as she began to fall onto the ground. (Y/N) catched her, stopping her from falling mid way. He then gently laid Kanae on a tree making her leaning on it.

She's really determined to stop him. Even with her body reaching the limit she didn't stop. (Y/N) had to force her into unconscious to make her stop.

Soo, they really are determined to stop him. If Kanae is like this, Shinobu is probably the same. But (Y/N) though to himself that he didn't mind that they are hunting him down.

He will never blame them for this since to (Y/N), this mean that they will never get closer to him. If they keep their distance away from him, then they will be more safer.

(Y/N) knew the demons especially the twelve Kizuki are on his tail. Muzan would probably send some of them to hunt him down in the future. Him being an Uchiha is very dangerous to be around other people especially the ones he cared.

(Y/N) jumped on a tree and hide in the shades. He couldn't let Kanae left unguarded while she is unconscious. He will wait until she either wake up herself or someone else finding her.

A few minutes later, (Y/N) heard another voice that he is familiar. "NEE-SAN!..." Shinobu called her sister in concern after finally finding her.

Shinobu landed in front of her sister. She immediately checked Kanae's condition. She sighed in relieve when she didn't found any wound.

It seems like her sister is dead asleep. Shinobu try to wake up her sister but she didn't budge. Usually people are deep asleep when they are exhausted.

What did her sister actually did that make her really tired? She would probably ask her later when Kanae wake up.

However, Shinobu thought that her sister is not in a proper zone to rest. Soo Shinobu began to wake up her sister.

A few minutes later, Kanae slightly moaned in tiredness and slowly began to wake up. She looked around and only found her beloved sister's face.

"Shinobu?" Kanae said. "Nee-san! What actually happened? It's very unusual for you to fall asleep on a mission." Shinobu said to her sister.

Kanae instantly remembered everything that has happened and her eyes went wide. "Shinobu! How long was I unconscious?" Kanae asked her sister.

"I don't know Nee-san, when I found you, you were already unconscious" Shinobu said.

"N-no... He got away" Kanae said looking down. "Who got away Nee-san?" Shinobu asked.

"(Y/N)... He was here... And he got away" Kanae said with her voice low. Shinobu heard what her sister just said and she is shocked.

Unknown to both of them, (Y/N) is actually near listening to them. With Shinobu here, Kanae will be fine. (Y/N) took this time to leave silently without both of them noticing.

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