~ Chapter 17 ~ (Realization)

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(Y/N) has been walking for an hour right now. He is set on the Ubayashiki's manor. He had been there when he was 9 with his father. During that time there is a new leader being appointed for the demon slayers corps.

The recent head of the Ubayashiki's family has passed away from his illness. The disease is the curse inflicted on the Ubayashiki's family due to them related and birthing the first demon, Muzan Kibutsuji.

The sickness itself is a genetic disorder passed down from generation to generation in their family. it has effectively left the Ubuyashiki family with weak bodies and a lifespan of less than 30 years.

The current leader of the Demon Slayer Corps right now is Kagaya Ubayashiki. (Y/N) only met him once with his father during Kagaya being appointed as the new leader. They shared a few greetings with each other.

But now, (Y/N) could only come alone...

(Y/N) finally arrived at the front gate. There is no one at the manor currently. Since this is the headquarter for the Demon Slayer Corps for generation, it was rare sight with the lack of people.

(Y/N) then make his presence known. Few of the Kakushi's appeared suddenly in front of him and asked for his business. The Kakushi's recognised (Y/N) since he was the son of the Uchiha's chief.

(Y/N) just told them that he wanted to meet Oyakata-sama. One of the Kakushi said that he need to wait for permission and went to ask Oyakata-sama about this. (Y/N) just nodded saying thank you and waited.

A few minutes later, the Kakushi returned and nodded signalling that (Y/N) could enter. (Y/N) then entered the manor and found Kagaya sitting on the floor waiting for him.

"Hello (Y/N), welcome to my home. What brings you here (Y/N)?" asked Kagaya. (Y/N) greeted back and then brought out a letter and give it to Kagaya.

"Owh what's this?" Kagaya then opened up the letter and read it. A few minutes later, there is a sorrowful look plastered on his face. He put the letter to the side and asked (Y/N) about the situation in detail since the letter only tell him that the Uchiha have met their demise.

(Y/N) then strengthen his mind and keep his emotions in check before telling everything to Kagaya. How everyone is killed mercilessly, even the children aren't spared. The hardest part is telling about his parents death. But he did not tell how did they die specifically.

Kagaya just nodded while looking down. If only he was aware of what happen to the Uchiha last night, then he would sent pillars to help defending the Uchiha. But now, he couldn't do anything. The damage was done.

But Kagaya kept that to himself. He know the one who is going through worst is (Y/N) himself being the last Uchiha. When (Y/N) is telling him the tragedy event, he could see that (Y/N) is masking his feelings by himself. The boy is truly strong willed.

Kagaya then offered (Y/N) to stay with him since he thought that (Y/N) didn't have anywhere to go. But (Y/N) refused the offer saying there are still others who is waiting for him.

Kagaya respected (Y/N)'s decision and told to (Y/N) that he will be welcomed at his home anytime. (Y/N) just nodded saying thank you before leaving the manor.

(Y/N) then started his path towards the Kocho's house. When he arrives later he knew he will have to tell them everything. (Y/N) just keep walking right now. They are the only ones left for him to call family.

After a hour, he finally arrived at the front gate. (Y/N) just knocked the gate loudly. He is tired right now. A few seconds later he heard a face paced footsteps incoming. Then the front gate open and he saw Uncle Akio with worried look.

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