Train Rides

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Me and Annabeth (or as Annabeth would say, Annabeth and I) were on the train, going back to our apartment. We were 19 so we were legally adults and could move into our own apartment and we were engaged so it made sense.

Anyways, we had just gone to camp for some work, meaning Annabeth was helping Chiron and Jason make temples and all of that stuff. I don't really know but Jason promised Kymopoleia, my sister, that he would do all of that.

So we were standing next to the pole things on trains. One of my hands was holding on to it, while the other one was wrapped around Annabeth's waist. We were the only ones on it so it was very peaceful. She was holding a huge book so she needed both hands to balance it. My chin was resting on top of her head and my eyes were half closed.

Suddenly, I felt like I heard a hiss. I looked up and looked around, spotting something unusual at the back of the train. After looking at it a little closer, I realized that it was a Gorgon. I decided to inform my significant other (I learned a new word thanks to Annabeth).

"Annabeth... I may be wrong but I think I see a Gorgon on the train." "I really really hope that's a joke Percy." She said, not looking up from her book. "... It's staring at me, Wise girl."

She finally looked up and looked in the direction I was looking in and she looked at me, confirming my suspicions of it being a Gorgon. She groaned and I understood why. We were both exhausted from our day and we both just wanted to sleep. 

"Well," she sighed, "Let's make this quick. I can practically hear my bed calling me." I chuckled when she said that but agreed with her. Our bed was calling us.

I pulled out Riptide and uncapped it. Annabeth pulled out her drakon-bone sword. We both ran straight at it, and, because it's back was turned, we suprised it by stabbing it in the back at the same time. It crumbled to dust instantly. We both looked at each other confused.

"That........ That was fast," she commented. I nodded my head agreeing with her. It could either be something, or nothing. I really wanted to go with nothing but knowing Annabeth she probably went with something.

"I'm pretty sure there's something wrong, but I'm too tired to think about it so we can IM Chiron tomorrow and tell him. For now, I just need sleep."

I was overjoyed to hear that. Yes! No trying to figure out what happened. Just going home straight in bed and cuddling! Yayyy

Just as I was about to tell her that, our stop came so we got off. We walked to our apartment since it was a few minutes away. We got home, changed out of the jeans and tight shorts and stuff and went straight to bed.

Annabeth grabbed a book of hers so I just grabbed her waist and nuzzle my face into her side. After a few minutes she gave up trying to read and laid down with me. I pulled her closer to me and nuzzled my face in her neck

"Night Wise girl, I love you," I muttered against her neck. "Night Seaweed Brain, I love you too," she whispered, and that was the last thing I heard before I fell into a deep and dreamless sleep.

Ok so I know the ending is cheesy but like I tried. Also on my last One shot, I asked if I should do a story of where the most falls down and the Demigods have to go to school or should I do different Oneshots of people meeting different couples from PJO and HOO.

Please tell me the first one or the second one. I'd really appreciate it. Thx and Byeeee

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