Cold Percy

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Ok so this is based off of a tiktok sound I heard but I can't find it again but I kind of remember the song and it sounded like a really good oneshot so here it is.

Also let's just pretend that Percy is cold to everyone except for people really close to him like his family, Annabeth, the seven, Thalia, Nico, Grover, Chiron, etc.

The above video is, I think, the original video

Annabeth had finally finished her homework. It only took her an hour and a half. She was so happy that she was finally done with her work. She was about to get up and go get something to eat when her door banged loudly and Annabeth looked up to see an angry Percy.

"What's up with you?" Annabeth was really confused and it showed on her face. "You have been home for an hour and a half," that just made Annabeth more confused. "Not even once, not one time have you tried to cuddle me."  Annabeth slowly started to smile.  "And its pissing me the fuck off." She was on the verge of laughing. "I want my fucking cuddles," She held out her hands and he ran straight for them, snuggling into them, his head on her chest and arms around her waist.

"Oh my god Percy you are adorable." She sighed, cuddling him more. She felt her eyes grow heavy and they started drooping. Soon she was fast asleep and so was Percy. This was quite the regular occurrence in their apartment, them falling asleep at 8 at night and waking up at 5 in the morning.


Annabeth's best friend, Stacy, had come to her apartment to borrow a few books to read and get an explanation on a few questions that she didn't understand in math. She knocked on the door a few times and when he door wasn't opened after 10 minutes, she took out her spare keys and opened the door. She walked into Annabeth's bedroom and was about to call to her when she realized that Annabeth was fast asleep with the Percy Jackson, the coldest boy in school, with his head on her chest, both of them looking completely comfortable. Stacy stared in wonder and then smiled, turning on the air-conditioning, putting a blanket over the two of them and resolving to question her best friend tomorrow, when she was awake.

I'm sorry that this is so short but I really needed to post. I'll upload a hopefully longer one later. I'm literally writing this during online school

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