New Years Kiss

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There were five minutes left for the ball to drop. Percy and Annabeth were in the hotel room all alone. They were in New York City because Percy's little sister, Estelle wanted to see the ball drop and so did the rest of his family. Percy, however, was fine staying home with Annabeth and watching the ball drop on TV. But Sally had convinced both of them to come, saying that they would stay there for two to three weeks before coming back and that would be a great way to spend more time together, since Percy's job always kept him busy. 

Percy was an Olympic swimmer. (Cliché I know. I'm sorry but this suits my story) He was one of the youngest swimmer on the team and he had the most gold medals out of everyone on his team. Annabeth always said that Percy was cheating because he was a son of Poseidon but Percy always said that he was just using their resources. Estelle, Paul and Sally had gone to watch the ball drop and Annabeth and Percy, who were engaged, had decided to stay in their hotel room because there was going to be a huge crowd and they wanted to have some peace and quiet. 

They were cuddling in bed and there were two minutes left for 2020 to end. 2020 had not been the best year. Annabeth's company, Olympian Architecture (Cliché I know.. Pls bear with me I didn't know what name to put) had been closed from March to July because of COVID-19. Although she had started working from home and making sure her employees also worked with her, it was still frustrating because she needed her office environment to work properly. Plus Percy being in the house all day was not helpful.

There were thirty seconds left and Percy was really excited. the horrible year was about to end. And he could finally kiss Annabeth. She hadn't let him kiss her all day because she wanted to kiss him right when the ball dropped. He didn't know Annabeth was that festive or even liked that type of stuff.

"5...... 4...... 3...... 2...... 1 HAPPY NEW YEARS!!" was heard on the TV. Percy looked at Annabeth eagerly. He had been waiting all day to kiss her. "Happy New Year Seaweed Brain." "Happy New Year Wise girl." And then Percy had the kiss he had been waiting for.

Hi..... *dodges knives and tomatoes* I'M SORRY I'M SORRY HEAR ME OUT PLEASEEE.

I know that this one-shot is way overdue and I don't have an excuse.... Actually I do. I had really really bad writers block and I actually got this idea on the 8th of Jan. But when I tried to write it, I just couldn't. Like, my brain was refusing to let me write. I don't know what happened but I'm sorry. I also have a week of tests coming up from eighth of Feb so updates are going to be slow. Not like they aren't but yeah.

Also @AlmaHammour your request is next. I know you asked me moths ago and I'm sorry but I'm working on it I promise. Byeee for now.

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