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Percy and Annabeth were exhausted. They had finally reached Australia. They had travelled by sea, because, obviously, Percy wasn't about to fly by air.

It took them almost a week to get there. (Sorry if I'm wrong about that. I'm not really the best at that)
Travelling, fighting monsters and just trying to stay alive was really hard.

They really hoped they would get a break and get their degrees in New Rome. But of course, the gods wouldn't let them get a break and sent them off to Australia to find their kids.

They had to go to an Australian School and figure out who the kids were. For now, they unpacked in the hotel room and collapsed into their bed.

The school they had to attend was Australian High (Not a real school if it is I didn't mean to copy) The kids were children of Aphrodite, Hephaestus and Hermes. There were twins of Aphrodite and sons of Hephaestus and Hermes.

Their names were Emma and Ellie, Scott and Felix. They had to find them, keep them safe and get it back by the end of their school year. So basically another normal day for them.

Sorry it's so short. I was running out of ideas and I needed to update mad this absolute angel Perce5Abeth6 suggested them going to Australia so here it is. There will obviously be a part two and possibly a part three.

In other news 827 reads!!! Thankyou so so so much!!! This literally means the world.

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