Inseparable But Separated 2

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I'm not describing what everyone looks like. We all know what they look like and I'm really lazy.

WARNING: There is a little swearing in this but not a lot

You could tell that Percy and Annabeth had a fight. They stopped talking to each other, they stopped hanging out, they stopped eating lunch together and Annabeth was always seen with her boyfriend Luke.

Percy also looked worse. He had dark bags under his eyes, his eyes were red and he looked horrible overall. He looked like he had a breakup. His grades were going lower and lower until his stepdad, who was also his teacher, told him that he needed a tutor. He got one and his grades were slowly going up.

A few months had passed and Percy was a lot better. He had found out that his dad had a lot of siblings so he had a lot of cousins. He had Nico Di Angelo and Hazel Levesque from his dad's older brother, he had Jason and Thalia Grace from his dad's younger brother. Hazel's boyfriend, Frank Zhang and Nico's boyfriend Will Solace. Nico and Will were complete opposites but I guess opposites attract right?

Jason had a girlfriend, Piper McLean who was the daughter of the famous actor Tristan McLean. Thalia was a lesbian and her girlfriend was Reyna. Both of them were badass girls and were perfect for each other. Then there was Jason's best friend Leo. He was very ADHD and hyper but he was really cool and was a lot like Percy. He had a girlfriend named Calypso Atlas.

Percy's life was getting a lot better. He had found out he had a pretty large family. He even made a friend. Rachel Dare. She had frizzy red hair and green eyes and was really pretty. 

Annabeth, on the other hand, wasn't having a good time. Luke was spending less time with her and was always saying he was busy to hang out. He new friend group was really weird and never wanted to talk to her.

One day she decided she wanted to surprise Luke so she drove to his house and quietly walked in. She went up to his room and heard weird noises. She walked in and saw Luke heavily making out with a random bimbo from their school. She stood their in shock for a minute before snapping out of it.

"What the fuck is going on?" That brought Luke and the girl out from their making out and Luke just stood there, looking annoyed. "What?" "What? What? WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHAT? You're literally cheating on me in front of me!!!"

"Ok, and? Everyone knows this was inevitable. You should have listened to your bestie Prissy. Everyone knows I just stay with girls to get what I want. I just stayed with you for this long cause it would've been too suspicious."

Annabeth couldn't believe it. Percy was right. And she had abandoned him. She ran out of the house before anyone could stop her. She had walked to Luke's house so she didn't have a car. It had started raining and she didn't have the energy to get out of it. So she just sat on the floor, sobbing her eyes out and getting drenched in the rain.

Suddenly, the rain stopped and she looked up to see an umbrella over her. She looked up to see who it was and it was Percy. She wanted to hug him but stopped herself, thinking back to everything she had done and she realized that she didn't deserve it. She had ignored her best friend, teh one person who had been with her through thick and thin and when he tried to protect her from heartbreak, she screamed at him.

She looked back down but felt something grabbing her arm. She looked up to see it was Percy. He wrapped his arms around her and gave her a hug. And that's when she broke. She sobbed into his chest, soaking his shirt in the process, not that it mattered since it was already soaked.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for believing you, I'm sorry for ignoring you, I'm sorry for everything." She sobbed into his shirt. "Hey hey it's ok. Shhh it's ok." He said, holding her and calming her down. After a few minutes, he pulled away and said, "Let's go home and get you out of these drenched clothes ok?"

He took her home and gave her her clothes. She had a separate drawer in his room filled with her clothes and Percy didn't have the heart to give them back to her. "Y-you still have them?" "Of course Beth, you're my best friend." He gave her the clothes and HSE took a shower and changed.

"Come on, let's eat bad then we can watch a movie." They are in silence and then Percy put on Annabeth's favourite movie. She sat at the edge of his bed, but he pulled her close and held her, knowing that she would want comfort right now. She turned to his chest and let her emotions out. A few years leaked into his shirt and he was immediately on alert.

He saw she was crying and pulled back. "Hey, listen. Don't you dare cry over him ok? He's not worth your tears. He's a useless piece of shit ok, and if he can cheat on you, then he's not good enough for you ok? You're amazing, beautiful, smart and talented ok and you don't need a man to define you. Do you understand?"

She nodded, glad that she had her best friend back. She felt the urge to kiss him but knew that he didn't think of her that way. She had like him for the longest time but hasn't said anything, afraid that it would ruin their friendship.

She decided that she would go for it anyways. Worst case scenario, it would go back to how it was and she had already dealt and struggled with it before. She could do it again.

So, for the first time, Annabeth forgot logic, didn't think and just went for it and kissed her best friend. He immediately kissed back, wanting to do that since they were twelve and had first kissed.

After what felt like forever, they pulled away. "So, if that didn't make it completely obvious, I like you, Beth. I've liked you since we were twelve. And it killed me to see you with Luke." "I like you too Perce. But I wanna take it slow, please." "Of course Beth!"

With that, they cuddled all night, eventually falling asleep. They were inseparable.

Shitty ending I know. Right now I couldn't give a shit because I'm hungry and tired and exhausted but I had to finish this.

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