I sat there, dumbfounded and shocked. He placed the sword next to us both, in a vertical position away from us. Held his hand for me as I took it. His other hand, slowly grasping my loose strand and tucked it on the back of my ear.

"Selene, I know parts and pieces of your departure five years ago. But in able for me to understand what is going on, and for me to be able to ensure you are clear of any danger, I need to hear it from you." He calmly said as his gaze softened. His hand softly caressed my cheek, as I involuntarily moved towards it. Embracing the feel of his touch.

"Blake, I'm sorry I kept it from you all along. I had no choice but to do so."

"By whom?" He asked.

"Your father, your mother, my parents as well," I said, trying to stay composed.

His jaw clenched, I could hear the gritting of his teeth. He closed his eyes profusely, his hand becoming a tight fist by the side of my cheek. I was scared for the first time in my five years of training and battling.

The power radiating from his body and his intense aura was surprisingly greater than anything I'd ever seen.

"Selene, when did.... my ...parents and your parents decide this? And why?"
He asked as he tried to contain his wolf from merging. Hazel could sense him.

His wolf was extraordinary and powerful like no other wolf we had ever seen or encountered.

I took a long sigh, and closed my eyes for a second, " The night of your ceremony. Well, technically, the afternoon before your ceremony. They said it was part of a treaty, to keep the pack safe." I said to him, his eyes became wide with confusion... I could sense the turmoil in his being.

"What do you mean treaty? What kind of treaty love?" He asked... but it seemed that the more I explained, the angrier he became.

"Blake, I will tell you everything you want to know....but you have to promise me that you will stay calm..... Please darling?"

I had to take a chance at calming him down before I continued to explain. I turned my body towards him, getting closer to him so that we faced each other better. I took his hands in mine, interlacing our fingers as he slowly became more serene. His aura diminished a bit and went from a dark blue to a light yellow and white.

I then began to explain to him everything.

From the agreement of the treaty, to why Jazzy and I left as part of the treaty. To the reason for the treaty....., keeping the pack safe, and the government stayed out so long as we kept our part of the deal. To working with Colonel Coelhelm.

He was overwhelmed by every word. But he kept at it, asking me what we had to do, and all that I had to go through. His eyes were barely kept open, he held them shut, and from time to time, he'd open them.... just to let a treacherous tear roll down his handsome face. I could sense the anger and frustration in his being.

He moved his hands around my waist, pulling me close to him. He placed his head on top of my mark... I could feel the tingle of sparks as he softly grazed his lips on my skin. I closed my eyes, as he grazed my skin softly. A small involuntary moan escaped me.

He tightens his grip and kissed my mark. "Baby, I'm sorry you had to endure so much..... if I'd known sooner... I'd trade places with you in less than a heartbeat. " he whispered in my ear.

The gesture made my head tilt back... his touch went all the way from my head to the tip of my toes. It was one of those sweet seductive touches that makes your toes curl and feel all kinds of heaven through your body.

I inhaled his scent....his intoxicating aroma of old spice, reminded me of a warm fire pit in the coldest of nights, and warm evergreens.

"Blake, there was nothing neither one of us could do at the time," I whispered. His eyebrows furrowed, his eyes became dark and his grip around me got tighter than I'd like to have.

I placed my hands on his chest as a gasp escaped me. "What the fuck do you mean there was nothing neither one of us could do? We found each other that same night Selene. I was the damn alpha before you left the morning afterward. I could have intervened... I could have protected you, and everyone else in my pack." He spat, angrily looking at me, inverting his gaze between my orbs.

"Blake....." I whispered.

"WHAT?" he yelled,

"Blake, you're hurting me," I whispered, as his grip became excruciatingly painful, I could barely breathe.

He slowly unwinds his grip. His arms went from my waist to my upper back as he held me. Tight, but bearable.

He shut his eyes. Sighted heavily.

"Sorry. I just...... sorry sweetheart. I don't know what came over me." He said as his gaze turned away from me, and he shut his eyes tightly.

I slowly caressed his cheek, he leaned towards it, grasping my hand, cupping it gently with his hand before he squeezed it, and kissed me lightly on the inside of my palm.

"I love you, Selene... I don't think I can stand life if something bad happened to you." He whispered.

For the first time, he sounded so sincere.... it made my heart melt as I finally allowed myself to believe he truly loved me.

"I love you too Blake. I always will." I said as he continued to kiss my hand.

"I always haved.... I've always..... loved you.... and only you Selene. " He said, as I became shocked with his declaration.

"What do you mean? Always haved?" I said with a smile on my face.

"Sweetheart, as the next heir to the alpha position in our pack..... my wolf has known since we were seven. But my stubbornness kept brushing it off. Shutting Alexander my wolf every time he pointed you out. He and my instincts always said it was you, but my stubbornness always kept away, refusing it to happen until the day of my eighteenth.... when I was sure your mating bond calling was awakened. I couldn't resist claiming you anymore.

Even though, I couldn't see you in the dark the night we first mated... I somehow knew it was you all along." He said, as my mouth became gawked open, so surprised by his sudden revelation. My heart was moved, and I felt my stomach fluttered. I was becoming incredibly attached to him.


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