I'm dying for the chance to tell Lex about the different designs on my skin, but that one is gonna be hard to explain.

When the bell finally does ring, I collect what little I have and cross the room to Lexi's desk before she can even grab her books.

"You know, it's against school rules to text during class."

"Ha!" Lexi flips her hair over her shoulder, slipping her purse onto the other arm. "Since when do you follow rules?"

"Fair enough."

She stands up, gracing me with her gaze and perfect smile. "You ready for lunch?"

"Are you?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." She shrugs, her eyes filling with anxiety as she tightens the grip on the strap of her bag.

Good going, jackass.

Walking side by side, we leave class only for me to hit the breaks in the hall.

"Damn it; I gotta grab some papers from Ms. Carver."

Lex nods. "Okay.".

She stands completely still, chewing on the inside of her cheek like she's waiting for me to do something. The urge to wrap my arms around her and feel her against me is hard to deny. But I move, and she backs away, that's just gonna make shit weird.

I fucking hate these awkward moments. I just wanna grab her and have shit be the way they used to be. It may have been two years ago, but to me, it still feels like it was just yesterday. Forgetting all the random hookups between then and now, of course. All of those were just my stupid way of trying to get her out of my head.

A lot of good that did.

I tip my head in the direction of the main hall. "Meet me at the lockers?"

"Yeah," she agrees and I swear she looks disappointed, but that could be wishful thinking. "I'll see you there."

It takes Ms. Carver a minute to get the papers I need, the one downfall of switching classes, but the second she hands them over, I jet out the door. I waste no time traveling through the crowded halls and out to the main lobby where our locker is.

Over the crowd of bodies, I see Lexi's long brown hair. She flips it over her shoulder as she plays with her lock, her facing pinching with frustration. Caleb shows up at her side like a lost puppy and places his hands on hers, offering to 'help.'

It takes everything I have not to push through everyone in the hall and intervene.

"Aye, man. You alright?"

I hadn't even noticed Wilder walking beside me, not that, that's surprising. Dudes a fucking ninja when he wants to be.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I nod, struggling to walk at a decent pace.

"Bullshit," he coughs into his fist before shrugging with an innocent smile. "Sorry. Allergies."

I crack a smile. It's hard not to when your best friend's a fucking nutcase.

Wild punches my shoulder. "See, there you go. No need to get all riled up and smash someone's face in at school." His eyes follow my line of sight. "Especially if the one you're thinking of beating the shit out of is your new hot friend's best friend."

Damn it. Why does he have to always come out with these random moments of wisdom? No one would ever expect it from him, but it happens once in a while, and he's right. If I touch Caleb, Lexi will never forgive me.

Play nice, hot head.

We finally make it to the lockers. Lexi doesn't notice right away, but Caleb sure as hell does. His whole body tenses up like he's ready for a fight while a snarl twists his all American boy next door face.

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