Chapter 30

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||Annabeth Chase||

I was falling into Tartarus again. This time, Percy wasn't beside me.

"PERCY!" I yelled into nothingness.

"ANNABETH!" I heard another yell.

"PERCY!" I yelled again.

"ANNABETH?!" another yell.

"PERCY WHERE ARE YOU?!" I shouted.






"I'M OVER HERE!" I yelled, reaching out until my hand touched something warm and it felt like skin.

Percy emerged and suddenly, we were in the elevators in Tartarus. At the last moment, he fell over the edge and into the blackness.

"AH! ANNABETH!" he yelled as he fell back into Tartarus.


I shot awake and ran into the boy's suite. I jumped onto Percy's bed and he gave a small 'umph'.

"Annabeth, what are you--"

"I had a nightmare," I gave him a look.

He sighed and rolled over.

"I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry that Mark kissed me! It wasn't my fault!" I sobbed.

"Annabeth, you think this is your fault?" Percy looked puzzled.

"Of course," I sighed.

"No. No, Wise Girl. This is Aphrodite's fault. It's the Fates. They hate me. It's never your fault."

I pulled him in for a kiss. The taste of sea salt flooded into my mouth and I almost sighed with happiness.

Seaweed Brain, I thought giddily.

We pulled apart and immediately went back to it again. My hands grappled his hair and his hands pushed my body against his like a banana peel. We rolled around on the bed, kissing and enjoying our moment that we hadn't had for real in a while. His hands were calloused and they felt surprisingly soothing along my back as they rubbed against my skin.

I scooted upward until my chest rested on his, our tongues intertwined. We wrestled before he was on top of me and I was splayed out over the bed. I giggled a lot as I saw the playful sea-green return to his murky eyes with each strike and each giggle. I kissed him again, loving how messy his hair was. I sat on him and eventually, I was on top of him again.

"Seaweed Brain..." I sighed happily.

"Wise Girl..." Percy whispered before we went back to kissing.

||Jason Grace||

It was 10:00 in the morning and Annabeth still hadn't come to breakfast. Percy was still cooped up in his room, so I didn't expect him to come out. That's when I dropped my sausage. I saw them. Not Annabeth, Percabeth. They were walking together, hand-in-hand. Percy's eyes were back to their playful, sea-green, calm waves. Annabeth's eyes were sparkling now.

Annabeth's curls were a bit messy and Percy's hair was even messier than before... he looked hotter than before, that's for sure. He was wearing swim trunks and an unbuttoned Hawaiian tourist shirt. They got a table for two and went to the buffet bar. I looked to Piper, who looked to Hazel, who looked to Thalia, who looked to Frank, who looked to Katie, who looked to Travis, who looked to Connor, then, finally, Connor threw a water balloon at them.

The water balloon hit some elderly lady leaning on a cane.

"ARGH!" she shakily got up, cursing, "children... always making my f***ing like hard and always making all experiences shit."

"Connor!" Katie hissed, slapping him in the face.

"Ow!" Connor rubbed his cheek.

"That's what you deserve," Thalia rolled her eyes.

I looked to see them eating happily, making jokes. Percy then got up, bending backward. Annabeth was laughing crazily.

"'re gonna...haha...hurt...haha...yourself!" she was trying not to cry in her hysterical laughter.

"Do it, Wise Girl!" Percy laughed, "I can't hold this forever!"

They were making quite a scene, but they didn't seem to care. I saw Annabeth throw... a blueberry. It landed in his mouth. She threw several more and Percy chewed them.

"Now my back's sore," he complained.

"I told you not to!" Annabeth snickered.

"Hey! I'm trying to be Drama Queen Uncle Z right now!" Percy protested.

There was a clap of thunder and he looked up.

"Sorry," he mumbled and the skies cleared.

Annabeth and Percy then went to go get cupcakes. Percy was very unhappy that they weren't blue, but he put blueberries in the frosting. Percy got five of them, while Annabeth got two. They sat down again and began to eat.

"This smells really good," Annabeth said.

"Lemme smell it," Percy sniffed it but before he knew it, Annabeth pushed the cupcake on his face, leaving white frosting.

Percy used his finger to scrape it off and eat it.

"No shame in free frosting," he licked it off of his hand.

"Ew," Annabeth gagged.

Percy simply shrugged, throwing a glob of frosting in Annabeth's hair. She got up and got more cupcakes from the baker, who handed more to Percy.

"It's on," she said, throwing a cupcake that Percy caught in his mouth.

He threw one and it smashed Annabeth's face. She threw one when she had gotten the cupcake off and it landed on Percy's abs.

"Throw seven more and you've covered my eight pack!" Percy grinned before taking the chance and catching Annabeth's princess curls in his sticky cupcake heaven.

Annabeth threw the cupcake into Percy's hair and Percy threw it at her chest again. She threw one, hitting him in the chest, then another one that landed in his mouth. Percy threw another one and when they were out of cupcakes, they took the cupcakes off of them and began to throw it at each other and eventually, they were sticky and frosting was all over the place. They laughed and cleared most of the things.

"Seaweed Brain! Now I'm all sticky!"

"Who started this fight, Wise Girl?" Percy laughed and kissed her frosting head.

"Now I have to take a shower!" Annabeth groaned.

"Who said you're doing it alone?"

Annabeth gasped and hit Percy's bicep.

"Seaweed Brain!" she laughed, "We're in public!"


Annabeth rolled her eyes and they left to the shower.

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