Chapter 8

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||Rachel Elizabeth Dare||

I went to bed that night with a vision.

I was actually having some weird dream about BBQ with my dad and his drunk co-worker but then it shifted when green mist covered the whole dream. I was seeing glimpses of the future. I saw Percy, then the rest of them freeing Hecate, then I saw through the Earth's point of view as a tree was uprooted and my vision turned black. I then saw the rest of them, crawling through something. Then, I saw Percy. Alone. In the middle of blackness, floating. Then, I saw Annabeth, in the darkness, alone. The whole thing turned black and I bolted out of the bed.

Reyna was my roommate and she groaned, rolling over.

"Rachel, if you're gonna dream, at least dream as quietly as you can. You've been muttering the whole night," she murmured sleepily and snoring happened.

I nodded and sat back down on my bed and closed my eyes, hoping for no more visions.

||Leo Valdez||

When Festus began to beep, I knew we had arrived.

"Guys! We're landing!" I yelled and I heard bustling above the engine room.

I ran out and quickly ate some breakfast. As I felt a thump, I knew we had landed. I pulled on a backpack and a hoodie before stepping out. Percy was doing a happy dance.


"Shut up, you're gonna make the mortals below think--"

Percy cut her off with a kiss. Annabeth was rigid at first before she melted into it, wrapping her arms around his neck and Percy's hands moved to her waist. I looked to Calypso, raising my eyebrows.

"Not a chance, Valdez," she smirked.

Piper nudged Jason, who looked at his girlfriend with a look.

"Jason! I know you're gonna be the 'serious man' but don't do it to me!" Piper whined.

"Pipes, I'm not in the mood," Jason groaned.

"Jason," Piper said, giving him a pointed look.

"No," Jason looked at her with finality.

"Hm... fine. Then, I'll just have to do it with Connor," she gave Connor a knowing look and Jason's eyes widened.

Jason grabbed Piper and pulled her in for a kiss. When they were done, Piper pulled away.

"That's how to be a queen," Piper smirked and walked over to where Percy and Annabeth had began to make out.

"Guys! We've landed for this?!" Thalia groaned.

"By the time we get there that lady is probably already gone," Reyna muttered.

The doors opened and we all got out, breathing in the forest air.

"Okay, so... I'm pretty sure the mortals will see a giant chicken nugget," I said.

"A chicken nugget?" Calypso scoffed.

"Yep," Leo smiled cheekily.

Percy beckoned us to move and he stopped abruptly. He walked through the trees and we followed, careful not to make any sounds. I accidentally stepped on a twig and it snapped. We all stopped, breathing quietly.

"Hello?" a pretty, melodic voice called out.

We went in the direction of the voice before Percy stopped us. There she was. She was very beautiful. She was washing her hands in the river, but she was looking at something else.

It better not be her reflection or she'll end up like Narcissus.

She looked as if she was watching a movie. Then, we saw it. A hooded figure with an ax heading over to her. He raised his ax, ready to strike.

"He's not gonna hurt her," Thalia pulled back the notch on her bow, "Not if I can help it."

She fired and it hit the man in the forehead before he could strike down. The man disintegrated into yellow powder. The lady was showered in it and she looked over in disgust at the man.

"Ugh," she muttered, looking at the silver arrow and the yellow powder covering her, "Why does Ixion have to flirt with me? I'm not the prettiest nymph and he still tries to flirt with me after he sees that Nephele remarried!"

We all looked at each other before she sighed, waving her hands and washing them in the stream again, closing her eyes and breathing in deeply. She then opened her eyes and looked in our direction.

"You can come out, strangers. I know the arrow didn't come from nowhere so I know you have a hunter of Artemis here," she said.

We came out into the open and she looked at all of us.

"Well, for strangers walking through the woods you look perfectly fit and well, so I'm not sure why you'd come to me... but I do owe you a favor for killing Ixion. That should teach him to stay away from me," the lady said, smiling.

"Well... um... we're demigods--"

"Demigods? Well, that's surely new. The last people I've had to help were mortals, who didn't even know what I was," she shrugged.

"Well, I'm Percy Jackson, the son of Poseidon--"

"Yes, yes, yes, I've heard plenty from you. The streams sent the message that a son of Poseidon would be coming soon to help me," she smiled at Percy, who looked at her weirdly.

"What do you mean?" he asked, puzzled, "Who are you?"

"Why... dear child, I'm Semystra," she said kindly.

"Wait... the nymph who nursed Keroessa?" Thalia asked.

Semystra studied her for a second before nodding.

"Your half-sister, daughter of Zeus."

"How did you--"

"Know? Your eyes tell it all. You look very similar to her anyways," Semystra dipped her hands in the water again.

"Um... you said you owe us a favor..." Reyna interrupted her thought.

"Yes, I do," Semystra nodded, looking at Reyna.

"Can you tell us information about Hecate? She went missing and we don't know where she is," Percy asked.

"Hm... the streams and rivers have told me of a missing goddess... I will need a greater favor to tell you more as it uses power to see through the streams. Even the gods don't know I can read the tides and pulls of the stream... but as I said, a son of Poseidon was said to have come to help me," she looked straight at Percy, "So... what's it gonna be?"

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