Chapter 4

530 10 19

||Percy Jackson||

I stretched and sighed.

Home sweet home.

I then realized that it was actually the first day of school and the time was 5:00 AM. I sprinted to the bathroom to take a shower, brush my teeth, and brush my hair. I grabbed some clothes and put it on. When I headed down, I made sure all the classes I needed to take were correctly printed on my schedule. I was taking Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, and joining the Swim Team. I grabbed my books and smiled. I had a surprise to show everyone. College didn't start as early as high school did at Goode, so we were in the clear.

The maids were still busy making breakfast, so when everyone came down with their schedules and books, I showed them my surprise.

"Say hello to freedom!"

They gaped at the cars, their eyes wide.



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Demigods In Highschool, Trials of Demigods and Mist, The Prison of MagicOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant