Boss's Daughter

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"Wow," I say taking in my surroundings. "It's been a while since I've been up here. I haven't been to this part of Japan before either." The scenery looks phenomenal. I see a tall building with a wall around the outer edge and a ton of people walking up to it, which I can only assume is Kuoh Academy.

 I see a tall building with a wall around the outer edge and a ton of people walking up to it, which I can only assume is Kuoh Academy

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"Damn this place is even bigger than I thought," I thought out loud. "You have any idea where Sona is?" Serafall shrugs. Great, big building I've never been to and trying to find someone here is going to be hell. We walk towards the building and walk inside, and I see very familiar red hair.

"Y/N! Serafall!" I walk to the voice and see two Gremorys as well as Sirzechs' wife, Grayfia. There are also two other people that I don't recognize with them.

 There are also two other people that I don't recognize with them

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I walk up to Luci and shake his hand

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I walk up to Luci and shake his hand. "It's been quite a while Sirzechs. Pleasure to see you as well Grayfia." She bows and I look towards Sirzechs' dad, Zeoticus. "Pleasure to see you as well Mr. Gremory."

Zeoticus laughs at my attempt to be proper. "Come on Y/N, you know you can just call me by my name. This is Mr. and Mrs. Hyoudou, Issei's parents. They've been allowing Rias to stay with them recently."

I bow to them. I'm sure they have no idea about all this devil stuff but I figure I might as well still be polite. "Well it is a pleasure to meet the both of you."

Mr. Hyoudou laughs and pats me on the back. "Pleasure to meet you too son. Have you known the Gremory family for a while?" I look to Zeoticus and he nods.

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