"You've gotten better with your words, haven't you?" she chuckles with a wide smile.

"Some of them." I smirk.

Her head tilts to the side. "But, what do you want me to do about that?"

"Do you... think she'll ever forgive me, for what happened? I mean really forgive me?" I ask, half of me wanting to know, and half of me not. If anyone knows, it's Dawn. Or Matt. But he still isn't my biggest fan.

She pauses and clasps her hands in front of her before speaking. "She's already forgiven you, Mason. She forgave you the day you came back, despite how she would never admit it to herself. But she won't forget, and that's what will hold her back."

Neither of us will ever forget.

"I thought you'd hate me." I shrug.

"I don't hate you, sweetheart," she says with an understanding smile. "If there's one thing I know, it's children paying for their parents poor choices."

I nod, not knowing exactly how to respond to that. I've never thought of it that way.

"Don't give up on her, Mason. She won't give up on you. There will be a moment when it all falls into place."

I nod. "This is ironic, isn't it?"

"I certainly never pictured us having this conversation." she laughs.

Her eyes land on the clock beside her and she groans. "My session starts in five minutes."

"I'm going to get going, anyway." I say as we both stand up.

She pulls me into another hug, still just as awkward. But nice. "What was that for?" I ask.

"It's a thank you," she says. "For being there when I couldn't, with Carol. And for making her leave that day."

I feel myself tense involuntarily at the mention of that night. I regret making her leave.

"I know that day ripped you up as much as it did her, but you kept her safe and I will never be able to thank you enough for that."

I nod slowly. "I'll always keep her safe, Dawn."

"I know," she smiles. "Amara may not like your decisions, hell, you may not even like your decisions—but as that girl's mother, and in case no one's ever told you... thank you."

As I leave the room, it's the nicest conversation I've ever had with Dawn. The only conversation where I've had no anger towards her, and despite the fact I never fucking thought I'd say it—I believe she actually has changed. I only really went there to see if she was as clean as Amara had told me; and finally, she is. And strangely enough, her words resonated. Who would've fucking thought.

Amara's POV:

I make the most of one of the last day shifts I have this week. I finally get thirty minutes to myself and decide to make my way into the on call room to rest. Every minute counts. I sit down and lean back, closing my eyes and enjoying the moments of quiet.

The door clicks open and I mentally face palm, opening my eyes to see Quentin standing with his arms crossed in front of him.

"I've finally cornered you." he says with a raised brow.

"Maybe don't lead with that, sounds a little creepy." I joke.

He rolls his eyes. "You've looked miserable all day, now you're going to tell me what's going on."

"I can't do that." I scoff, knowing fine well Quentin, of all people, does not want to hear about my troubled love life.

He takes a step forward, the stern and stubborn look still on his face.

The Beauty in EternityDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora