year four: the third task

Start from the beginning

"Godfathers of each other's children." Sirius snarkily replied before turning to his daughter. "Isn't that right, sweetheart?"

"Right, Dad."

Jessica slapped her husband's shoulder. "I'm sorry about him, Sirius. But you've raised a good one. I wouldn't want any other friend for my Cedric."

The Black man's face instantly dropped, the simple fact of knowing he didn't raise his children always in his mind. "Raised, right."

"He means to say thank you, Jessica." Remus added, shaking the woman's hand. "Cedric is the perfect friend for her, such a good influence. I can guess you're very proud?"

"Every day, Remus."

As the door swung open, the four champions walked in with surprised looks on their faces. Fleur instantly dashed over to her sister, while Viktor slowly walked to his parents, who wouldn't look in the direction of Sirius and Remus. And as Harry went over to Molly, Bill, Sirius, and Remus, Cedric walked over to Hope.

"J?" he questioned, furrowing his eyebrows. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see you, I needed to see you." she said, looking up into his eyes. "Besides, family greets the champions. Lucky for me, I have two family members here today."

Cedric only embraced his best friend in a tight hug, never wanting to let go. "I needed to see you, too."

"Oh, Cedric," exclaimed Jessica, pulling her son into a motherly embrace. "We are so proud of you."

"The only Hogwarts champion, isn't that right--?

The father was cut off by his wife elbowing him in the side. "Shut up, Amos. Merlin, ignore your father, Cedric."

Cedric only stifled a laugh as he nodded. "I love you, too, Mum."

"We both know you'll do great." she told her son, smiling wide. "I love you so much. You too, Hope."

Hope's grey eyes went wide. "Me?"

"You know you're part of our family, sweetheart."

"Thank you, Mrs. Diggory."

Jessica Diggory glanced down at her watch before speaking up. "Now, your father and I already ate dinner. I didn't want to hurt Teeta's feelings--"

"Don't you see where I get my kindess from?" Cedric asked aloud, smirking slightly. "I'm telling you, my mother was the truest Hufflepuff ever to be known--"

"Oh, Cedric, there were plenty of other true Hufflepuffs." she interrupted, blushing slightly. "I just couldn't have Teeta crying again. But we're going to talk to Poppy, well Madam Pomfrey. I grew rather close to her while attending Hogwarts."

Amos only nodded, holding his side. "Perhaps she can fix my side. But we'll see you after the tournament, Ced. We're so proud of you."

"Sit by us, will you, Hope?"

Hope smiled at her best friend's mother. "I'll be near, Mrs. Diggory. Thank you."

"Of course, sweetheart." she replied before turning back to her son, placing a kiss on his forehead. "I love you, Ced. Win or lose, I'm proud of you."

"I love you, too, Mum. You too, Dad."

Cedric Diggory and Hope Lupin-Black managed to escape the room without being held in a conversation with anyone else. And the two began to wander around the school, which wasn't new, but there was a different feeling this time.

"Ced, can I tell you something?"

"Of course, you can tell me anything."

Hope pulled Cedric into the tightest hug she could, tears beginning to whell up in her eyes. "I love you, Cedric. I want you to be careful today."

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