Day 16- Hogwarts AU (Part 2)

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"If isn't the slutty Maritrash," Lila said with poison in her tone.

'Oh come on' Marinette groaned.


"What do you want Lila?" Marinette asked.

"Can't I just say hi?" Lila prompted with sickening sweet voice.

"With that kind of greeting? I think you have other purpose on cornering me at a time where I'm not with Damian," Marinette said annoyed with the liar.

Lila dropped her fake smile and glared at Marinette like there's no tomorrow. She then grabbed her wand and point it to Marinette.

"I want you to stay away from Damian, make him hate you," She explained.

Marinette put her hands on her chin and act like she's deciding on something difficult . Then she confidently answered, "How about, no."

"Damian and I are inseparable friends. He saw through your lies because he has a functional brain to use. Not like those who followed you around like a fly following the scent of a poop and rotten food," She explained.

Lila then tightened her gripped in her wand, "You're a fool Marinette."

"No, I'm not, If I were you I would stop lying and tell the truth instead. You'll just make a fool out of yourself if you continue this," Marinette then started to walk her way to the Slytherin common room.

"Diffin-" Lila was cut off by another spell.

"Expelliarmus!" Damian cast the spell and continue in approaching  the two of them.

Lila's wand fell on the floor she quickly pick it up at the sight of Damian with Professor Snape behind him and run. Marinette walks to them.

"What was that ruckus, Miss Dupain-Cheng," Professor Snape asked.

Marinette then told him everything since it's so hard to lie when it's the infamous professor of Potion class is the one to questioned her. Professor Snape then left to make a report about the situation.

"Why are you here?" she asked Damian.

"You forgot your sketchbook in the library," He answered while handing her sketchbook

"Why are you with Professor Snape," she inquired.

"That's just a total coincidence that we were walking the same path when that liar pointed her wand at you near the potion classroom," He explained.

Marinette then nodded and said, "Thank you, though I could handle it with myself."

"I know, although I wanted to use Sectumsempra on her," he explained.

"And here I thought that I was the Slytherin but there is one hiding in Gryffindor's colors," Marinette mused.

"Perhaps we are supposed to be another way around," He agreed to her. 

"See you and Jon at dinner," she said and go to their separate ways.

In their third year at Hogwarts, Lila was expelled due to the used of magic to harm a teacher who nearly died and caught red handed by students and school staff. Her parents also faced a lot of charges from the parent's of the students that Lila had debts with, for buying her expensive gifts that she asked from them which led them to lie to their parents that it's for a school project. 

The truth about Marinette's family was now exposed that they were set up by the Agreste family and more specifically by Gabriel Agreste who killed his own wife and Marinette's father when they found out that Gabriel was working with the death eaters then push the blame to the Dupain-Cheng as their family was close to his wife.

In their fifth year, Damian asked Marinette to be his girlfriend with the help of Jon, Max, Luka, Kagami and Alix. Marinette said yes and at the same year Marinette meets Damian's family. It was hectic at first because Dick can't stop fawning on how cute they are, Jason remarks that how did the Demon got an angel for a girlfriend and Tim handing Alfred a hundred dollar bill and muttering on why didn't they delay it till their graduation. They became silent because Alfred said that there's no dessert for those who were noisy . 

Graduation comes, Damian is the top student followed by Max and Marinette. After the ceremony, Damian asked Marinette to go to the Whomping Willow tree. There, Marinette saw a picnic basket on top of a blanket, then fireworks lit up the sky with the words will you marry me.

"Marinette," Damian called behind her.

Marinette turn around to see Damian kneeling with a ring in hand.

Tears of joy started to fall from Marinette's eyes  as she hugged Damian and said yes to him.

The next word she heard from Damian made her confused, "Marinette, please wake up."

Her eyes fluttered open and she look at Damian's stricken face and messy hair. Damian was holding her hands in his. He then looked up to see his angel already awake.

"Angel, you're awake." Damian said with relief in his voice.

"Damian, what happeded?" Marinette asked.

"We were in a mission with the Titans but bane hit you with a steel pipe that knocked you out for five days," he explained.

"Oh," is the only thing that Marinette said as her memories of the mission returned to her.

Damian then gave her food and at the same time call for his father and Alfred to tell them that she woke up already. He banned his brothers to enter the room because it might overwhelmed Marinette with their worried faces.

 When the two of them were alone again Marinette spoke up, "Damian, I had a strange dream."

"Do tell Angel," He inqured.

She then told him her dream being a student of the school from the last film they watched on their movie night with Damian's brothers. The day before the Titan's mission that causes Marinette's coma.


Well that's the ending of Hogwarts AU.

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