Day 22- Wedding

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"Voyage!" called upon Pegabug to teleport back from Paris to Gotham. 

After she de-transformed, she dropped to her bed and falls asleep. A few hours later, she was woken up by a knock on her door. 

"Miss Marinette, the dinner is ready," It was Alfred.

Marinette changes clothes and went down to the dining room. She saw Richard and Kori hunch over a book by the table.

Dick notices someone's presence and looked up at her. 

 "Hey Mari, got a sec?" He asked. This time Kori looked at Marinette.

"Good evening Marinette," she greeted.

She approached them. She takes a peek at the book they're reading. 'It's a wedding dress catalog,' she screamed to herself.

"Are you two getting married?" She inquired.

"It's not for marriage," A blushing Dick answered.

"It's the theme of the fashion show that I'll be modeling in," Kori explained.

She then continued, "I bought this earlier on my way here. I'm kind of curious about what the people of Earth wear at a wedding."  

"So why do you call me over?" she turned to Dick.

With a scheming smirk, he asked, "Which wedding dress will you wear when you marry my little brother?"

Marinette's face goes red as her ladybug outfit.

"A-aren't we too y-young to talk about m-marriage and s-stuff" She stuttered.

"It's never too early to talk about it," He said.

Before Marinette could faint in embarrassment Kori asks her, "what's your dream wedding Mari?"

"Oh umm... nothing extravagant, as long as my loved ones are there, that's enough for me," she answered.

"But you deserve an outlandish wedding. You're the angel in our family Marinette," Richard explained, and this time a soft smile touches his face.

'I'm part of their family,' Marinette said to herself.

"Thank you," Marinette said and beamed a smile at him.

A wandering Damian stops just outside the door of the dining room and listens through their conversation from the moment they were talking about the wedding dress catalog. He can't help to smile and blushes on their topic.

'You'll be my wife Marinette and you'll get the wedding you deserved,' Damian affirmed to himself and continued his way to the Batcave.

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