Day 5- Fire

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"It's going to be the fencing champion, Tsurugi, Kagami."



Cheering of the crowds could be heard. Its the finals of the Fencing Tournament, and in the center is Adrien  versus Kagami. Also many were whispering that why they broke up months ago.

Kagami invited Marinette to watch the finals just the moment she knew that she's back from Gotham. Marinette then brought Damien with her to watch. 

At the tournament it was shown that the two is evenly match but one slip up from Adrien makes Kagami the winner of the tournament.

-Back to the present-

"Hi Adrien, why did you call for me?" She said surprising the couple as they turn to her.

She then look to the bluenette and greeted her too. She then noticed the boy beside her and asked, "Would you like to introduce me or should I introduce myself."

Noticing this Marinette didn't find the time to introduce Damian to Kagami earlier when she bid her good luck.

"Yeah umm, Damian this is Kagami, my friend and Kagami this is Damian, my boyfriend," she introduce.

"I see if he's your boyfriend then I want to see his worth in protecting you physically, of course. Adrien must have done with the first test. Well then we'll settle this now," she said

"State your challenge," Damian said, determined to show his worth.

"Damian you don't have too, they were just being ridiculously protective of me that's not really necessary," Marinette tried to intervene.

"No Angel, if I can't prove it to them then I don't deserve you. You're very precious to me that's why I'm doing this so no one would disrupt us to our relationship," Damian explained as he caressed Marinette's cheecks.

"Just be careful okay, knowing Kagami she might challenge you to fencing," Marinette stated as she look at his eyes seeing the fire of passion to prove things.

"Let's try different then, lets go to the amusement park to prove your worth," Kagami said

At the amusement park, Kagami stand in front of a stall with toy guns and criminals as a target.

"This should be easy," Damian said with a bored tone.

"There's a twist to it, you have to take down at least 10 targets while fencing me. The guns are detachable so that would give you a chance to handle it while fencing with me. You have 2 minutes," Kagami said like it was nothing.

Marinette and Adrien along with the man in the stall jaws dropped to the challenge. 

"It's still fine to surrender now," Kagami said.

"Challenge accepted," Damian said as he take the gun from the table and the fencing sword from Adrien.

Then the challenge begins, Damian was able to shoot two targets once the bell rings. Kagami then started to attack Damian.



Every shot to the target became more heated fight between the two.

five, six,.... nine,

Five seconds left, Kagami charge in but Damian swept her feet and tag her while shooting the last ball of his toy gun hitting the last target just the same time as the buzzer goes off.

Damian barely sweat to the challenge won the challenge. 

"You won," Kagami admitted as she stands and held out her hands for a handshake.

"I admit you are a quite competition," Damian stated as he shake hands with Kagami.

"And I didn't actually expect for you to do it but you've done it. I give you my blessing to be Marinette's boyfriend," Kagami said with an impressed tone. 

"That was insane!" Adrien exclaimed.

'Of course that would be easy for him, after all he grew up in the league of assassin and he is Robin too afterall,' Marinette taught to herself.

The man in stall call for Damian to choose his prize. Damian let Marinette to choose the prize and chooses the teddy bear with holding a heart in robin's costume with a fire drawn in the center. 

Laughing at the irony that the real Robin is just beside her. This day has gone from normal to a hot fire of challenges and proving one's love.

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