Day 15- If Only

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*At Marinette's room 

Friday night

Marinette's currently checking if her things are all in her suitcases while Tikki told her the things that she had to bring from the list that the blunette made. After checking it thrice she calls upon Trixx the fox kwami and Wayzz the turtle kwami.

"Trixx, put an illusion on my carry-on bag to hide the miraculous box from the others and Wayzz along with Tikki protect it when were in the plane it will be a ten-hour flight to Gotham I might fall asleep in the plane but I'll try not to," Marinette instructed them.

The kwamis nodded to her as they agreed to her plan. She then prepare herself to go to sleep because her flight will be nine o'clock in the morning.

*Time skip at the airport

Saturday (paris time 8:45 am)

Marinette's parents, Alya, Kagami, Adrien and lastly Nino said their goodbye and see you again.

"When was it again that you'll be returning?" Alya asked.

"It will be the second week of May," Marinette answered.

Then a few minutes more they announces Marinette's flight and said goodbye, "See you guys in seven months."

*Time Skip (US time 1:00 pm)

After descending the plane with the other students, Marinette looks around to see two girls and a tall boy holding a card with the written name of their school. Mme. Mendeleev led them to the group. 

"Were you the representatives of the Gotham Academy?" She asked.

"Yes, ma'am we are," one of the girls who was carrying the clipboard answered.

"Are you all complete?" The guy asks.

Mme. Mendeleev look at her back to ensure that the chosen students were still intact.

"Yes, we are," She answered

"I'm Starr, one of the student council representatives, this is Wendell the student council president, and this is Maria, my class secretary," Starr introduced.

"For tonight you'll be sleeping at the hotel near Gotham Academy to rest for the night  and tomorrow after school we will send you to the families that you'll be living with to act as your ward..." Starr explained to them

After Starr explained everything they went outside to see 3 buses with Gotham Academy's logo on it and ride in it.

*Time skip 

Next Morning...

The French students were distributed to their respective classrooms. Marinette and a boy stand in front of the door which is supposed to be their classroom with Starr and Maria. They enter the classroom, Marinette looked around the classroom and then at Starr whose talking with the teacher, and Maria standing behind her. They soon took their sit as the teacher stood walking in their direction.

"You two must be the transfer students," she said. 

Marinette nodded in confirmation. The teacher then turn to the students and called up, "Everyone, take your seats."

"Today, we have here two transfer students from France," She announced.

"Please, introduce yourselves," She told Marinette and the boy.

"Morning everyone, My name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng, I'm 16 years old and I'm half-Chinese and half-french. I'm not that good with English so please correct me if I'm wrong," Marinette introduced herself with a shy smile on her lips.

"My name is Lune, 17 years old," Lune said uninterested.

"Okay, do any of you have questions for our two transfer students?" The teacher asked the students. 

A few hands were raised but the teacher said, "Asked them on your break."

"Now for your seat, Marinette take the seat next to Maria and Lune take your seat in front of Agustin. Maria, Agustin raise your hands," She announced to them.

They soon took their designated seats. Marinette then notice the seat next to Lune is empty and taught maybe someone is running late.

*Time Skip

3rd-hour class

The two French students were with Starr and Maria, they went to their third class hour since they have the same time schedule in the morning. Sadly Marinette had a different time from them in the afternoon sparring only on the same subject as theirs.

In the middle of the class, someone entered the classroom. Someone Marinette met before with spiky black hair and green eyes. She whispered his name to herself. He walked to the teacher and gave her a piece of paper which is a hall pass. As he turned around they met eye to eye but he subtly avoid her gaze and walked into his empty seat beside Lune.

When lunch came Marinette hastily look around for Damian not properly looking for the way she was going she bumped into Agustin.

"I-I'm sorry, I-I didn't notice you there. I was looking for someone," Marinette apologized.

"No it's okay, could this be that someone your looking for is Damian?" Agustin suggested.

"How did you know?" she asked.

"I saw how you look at him earlier. A look not of admiration but the look of knowing someone from the past," he explained

"Oh, by any chance do you know where he is right now?" she asked

"Yeah, he usually spends his lunchtime in the library. You might find him there," he answered.

"Thank you," Marinette then walked towards the library.

After walking around looking for Damian, she found him at the very back shelf standing there reading a book.

"D-Damian?" Marinette whispered but he heard her.

He looked with disinterest in his eyes and spoke "What do you want?"

Taken aback, Marinette was hurt by the tone of his voice. It's like he wasn't the Damian she met before on the blind date. This time his eyes were cold and dark. She wanted to talk but can't. Her mind froze at how cold he was looking at her right now.

"If you don't need anything, I'll be going then," Damian said nonchalantly

Damian goes out of the Library leaving Marinette there wondering, is that really the Damian she met back then? If he is, she hopes to know why. 

If only she knew why he acted that way.

*Time Skip*

End of class

One by one, the French students were distributed to their ward's houses. Marinette didn't expect that they are her ward for the program. The last thing she wanted to be is a burden and a distraction to him, to Damian. 

Her ward was the Waynes! 


Cliffhanger again!!!


Starr: You told her?

Agustin: Yep

Maria: Is the bumping really necessary?

Starr: Yes it is for, the sake of thrill!!!

Lune(passing by): Weird

Starr: Says the guy who's laughing by himself on the rooftop like a scheming villain.

Bonus 2:

Dick: Hey Jason! Remember this girl?

Jason: Isn't that the girl from Damian's blind date?

Tim(smiling to himself while in front of the Batcomputer): This will have a lot of Blackmail for the demon reincarnate.

P.S. Sorry for the long wait. A lot of hectic things happened at home. I hope you enjoy this chapter!!!

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