Day 24 and 25- Presents and Christmas

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The grand Wayne's Christmas gala was in full swing, filling Wayne Manor with enchantment and excitement. Amidst the festivities, Marinette Dupain-Cheng was on a secret mission to find the present she made for her boyfriend, Damian Wayne.

After the unfortunate incident with Two-Face two weeks ago, left Damian's old messenger bag in tatters, Marinette decided to craft a new one herself. She designed it to hold his sketchbook and art materials. She also added hidden pockets for his weapons to ensure they wouldn't trigger detectors in places with heightened security measures. Knowing her boyfriend, he hides weapons in him everywhere he goes. Eager to keep her surprise intact, Marinette asked Jason, Dick, and Tim for help in looking for the bag.

Marinette gathered them in a secluded corner of the manor, her heart pounding with anxiety. "Guys, I need your help," she said, her eyes darting around to make sure no one else was listening. 

"I'm looking for the present I made for Damian, I couldn't find it by myself in this huge manor in time for the gift-giving later. But, I don't want him to find out that I misplaced it..." She explained to them.

 "It would be embarrassing if he knew I lost it," She continued.

Dick flashed a grin, trying to act casual. "Don't worry, Marinette. We've got this covered. We'll be stealthy like bats!"

With a plan in place, the quartet began their frantic search, combing through every inch of Wayne Manor and the Batcave. They looked under furniture, inside cupboards, and even in the most unexpected places, all while trying to keep Damian from getting suspicious.

"Marinette, are you sure you remember where you last saw it?" Tim asked, his brows furrowed with concern.

"I'm positive! I had it right here in the kitchen, and then it just disappeared," she replied, frustration creeping into her voice.

As the minutes turned into hours, they grew increasingly disheartened. Just as they were about to give up hope, Alfred approached them and inquired about their problem.

"Is there something troubling you all?" Alfred asked kindly.

Marinette hesitated before explaining, "Alfred, I lost Damian's gift, and we've been searching everywhere for it."

The butler smiled gently. "Fear not, Miss Marinette. I believe I may have the solution to your predicament."

He led them to the Christmas tree, adorned with a myriad of presents, and gently reached underneath. With a knowing glint in his eye, Alfred retrieved the meticulously crafted dark olive green messenger bag with a bow tied in the straps, hidden among the other gifts.

"Alfred, you're a lifesaver!" Marinette exclaimed, relief washing over her.

Alfred chuckled softly. "It was my fault for not informing you immediately after transferring it under the tree, Now Miss Marinette and young masters, please enjoy the rest of the festivities."

Back in the grand ballroom, the Batfamily exchanged gifts with glee, showering each other with thoughtful presents. Marinette presented her handmade gifts to the rest of the family, each item carefully tailored to their interests and personalities.

Finally, the time came for Marinette to give Damian his gift. She approached him with a shy smile, her heart pounding as she handed him the messenger bag. "Merry Christmas, Damian."

His eyes softened as he marveled at the thoughts she put into creating the bag, "Marinette, this is incredibly well made. Thank you," he said sincerely, gratitude evident in his voice.

As Damian marveled at the hidden compartments and quality of the messenger bag, he reached behind his back and put it on top of the mini table to give his present for her. "This is for you," he said, a touch of bashfulness in his demeanor.

Marinette's eyes widened as she unwrapped the package, revealing the latest and limited edition of a computerized sewing machine she was eying for the last weeks. 

"Damian, I can't believe it! This is amazing! Thank you so much!" she exclaimed, her heart overflowing with joy.

Without a second thought, she stood up and tackle him into an embrace, sharing a tender moment amidst the festivities. The love they had for each other was evident in that simple gesture, a connection that went beyond the exchanged gifts.

As the night continued, the Batfamily celebrated together, their bond stronger than ever. They exchanged stories, laughter, and cherished memories, cherishing the spirit of Christmas and the love that brought them together.

The Wayne's Christmas gala became a night to remember, filled with fluff, sweetness, and the joy of giving and receiving heartfelt gifts. And amidst the grandeur of Wayne Manor, Marinette, and Damian found something even more precious, the love that blossomed between them, deepening their relationship and promising many more Christmases together in the future.


Bonus part 1

Tim: So... no one looked under the Christmas tree?

Jason: Talked about hiding under our noses

Dick: Ask the author why they made us look dumb in this book.

Starr: *watching a recording of them while eating popcorn*

            'Just for fun of course.'

Bonus part 2

Starr: *sigh*

            Where the freak is she!? She always causes trouble wherever she goes. 

Lune: Because you are too invested in seeing the happenings in this world than looking for her.

Starr: Hmmph...No one asks for your opinion.

Lune: yeah like your talking to someone else when we're the only ones here.

Starr: *sticking her tongue out* 


A/N: Hello there!!! It's been a while since I updated this book. Again sorry for the very slow update. I've gotten busy with college, streaming, and things I have to arrange especially since I just transferred to a different streaming platform which is Twitch last April. I'll try to update this book frequently because I have future plans for this book and other fanfics I would like to write. I've also been reading some Damintte fanfics to rekindle the fire in writing a chapter for this book. I'm not mad at Adrien anymore so I have to try and find some inspirations for this book. Initially, this chapter is quite hard to write because I celebrate Christmas in a different way (Christmas is everyday in our religion) so I have to think of how I should do this chapter.

Thank you for reading this book until now and for new readers welcome to my fanfic.  Anyway, that's it for this chapter and...

Don't forget to stay safe and stay tuned...

Ja ne

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