Day 12- Animals

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*A day in the Teen Titan tower*

Two figures can be seen inside the training room, the violet cloaked girl named Raven sparring with a blue armored boy named Jaime. At last, the Blue Beetle is on the ground pin downed by a black shadow that was controlled by Raven. She then helped him stand up and at the same time, someone entered from the Zeta-tube. It was Nightwing and Red Robin along with another guy with a red helmet.

"Team! Mission room now," Nightwing called out to everyone in the building."Yes! A new mission," Beast Boy shouted running to the said room.

In a straight line Starfire, Raven, Beast Boy, Jaime and lastly Cyborg was in front of the three Gothamites.

"First of all, everyone I would like you to meet Red hood and..." Nightwing was cut off by Beast Boy.

"Red hood! Did you mean THE RED HOOD? The one that kills his own targets? Why would he be here? and lastl..." Beast Boy was stopped by Blue beetle by smacking the back of his head.

"Before I was rudely interrupted..." Nightwing said as he glared at Beast boy.

"Red Hood is here because he needed our helped and..." Nightwing was again interrupted but now it was Red Hood.

"Yeah right, I don't really need your help. That old bat just wants to stick his nose on my business," Red Hood said in a 'matter-of-fact' tone.

"Fine let me rephrase it then, we are going to help Red Hood in Batman's order. There's been a new shipment of unknown drugs that can make a calm animal be on a rampage. The man behind this is Gorilla Grodd his intention is still unknown so our mission is to..." Nightwing is interrupted by Cyborg.

"Where's Robin?" He asked

"He never missed a single mission. It's really weird that he's not here," He continued.

"Yeah, where's the demon spawn?" Red Hood asked.

"He can't go to this mission for he has something to do at the moment," Nightwing simply said

"More important than the mission?" Starfire asked.

Voices are rising and it's getting out of hand. Red Robin who was silent from the start spoke up or more like shouted, "SHUT THE HELL UP! Robin is not here because he got a date with his girlfriend but we can discuss this more after the mission and when Robin is here so you all can ask him your question and answer it himself. Now can we return to the debriefing of the mission!?"

Everyone now is silent and let Nightwing continue to explain the mission and the plan to the team.

"Any questions?" Nightwing asked.

Red Robin raised his hands and said: "The mission is in Gotham Zoo right?""Yes, is there any problem Red?" Nightwing asked.

"It's nothing," He said but then whispered to the other two Gothamites, "It's just that the Demon Spawn is in surprise when he sees his team in his date."

Red Hood then snickered and said, "prepare your camera for his, Pixie Pop and the teams' reaction."

~Time skip~

*At the Gotham Zoo*

Damian and Marinette were walking hand in hand towards the bear area. Damian bought a teddy bear in Robin's outfit for Marinette. As they continue to walk the heard an explosion. Their heroic self kicks in and follow the smoke from the explosion. They saw Gorilla Grodd and five of his cronies come out from a building. They looked at each other and nodded.

"Marinette, stay here, I'll come back to you," Damian said as he took his costume from the cross bag that he carried and ran to the nearest restroom to change.

On the other side of the zoo, the teen titans were trying to control all the rampaging animals. Blue Beetle, Red Hood, Beast Boy, and Nightwing followed where Gorilla Grodd is.

The villains were having the upper hand but then Robin throws a light grenade to blind them. He then jumped off from the stand he was on and fight beside of Nightwing.

"How's the date?" Nightwing asked not surprised that his youngest brother jumps into action.

"It's getting better until the explosion earlier," Robin answered with an annoyed tone in his voice.

As the battle with the goons continued unknown to him one of the goons has crept behind him with a metal tube in hand ready to hit his head but then a yo-yo coiled the goon's hand to stop him midway.

"I thought I told you to stay put," he told her.

"And missed all this fun? No way," she stated."Fine," he defeatedly agreed.

After the fight, the Teen Titans plus Ladybug gathered to a rooftop where the teen titans jet landed. Robin and Ladybug standing in the middle bombarded with questions.

"Would you all shut your trap before I slit your neck," Robin spoke up.

"Robin! don't threaten your team," Ladybug spoke.

The team then became silent afraid what would Robin do to the ladybug themed heroin but then they were surprised to his reaction. He didn't talk back to her or threaten her. He just stood there pouting and blushing at the same time.

Nightwing then broke off the silence that occurred, "Let's all go back to the tower and question them there and also for a proper introduction and Ladybug it's your choice if you either go there in your civilian outfit or not,"

Ladybug then nodded but then she remembered the Robin themed teddy bear in a bench. She said goodbye and see you later to them and jumped off with Robin.

The team has a lot of questions for them later on.



Daminette December One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora