Day 13- Death

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Red Robin woke up and look around and noticed it about to get dark. He must have fallen asleep inside the jet. He also realized that they have arrived at the Teen Titan Tower and no one bothered to wake him up which is weird.

'Everybody must have gone inside,' He thought to himself.

When he entered it was dark he looked for the switch to see the lifeless body of the team around the room. He checked every pulse but found none. Scared he is, he looked for his brothers.

"N- Nightwing, Redhood, Robin! Guys this isn't funny if this is a prank," He screamed.Something or someone dropped behind him and spoke, "It's your fault, It's your fault that she ran away."

He looks behind him to see Damian in his Robin uniform minus the mask. In his hands were beaten up Red Hood and Nightwing. He then dropped them and unsheathed his katana."Wha...What are you doing? What do you mean it's my fault?" Red Robin asked as he slowly backing until his back hits the wall.

"It's your fault that Marinette runs away from me just because you can't keep our relationship a secret. You deserve to die!" Damian said as he ready his katana to strike him.

"No!!!" Red Robin screamed as he woke up from his sitting position in the jet.

Nightwing and Red Hood with no helmet just his mask look at him worriedly. The other teams were still asleep at the back they were drained from the mission earlier.

"Replacement, are you okay?" Red Hood asked.

"Y...Yeah, I'm fine just a nightmare," Red Robin answered quivering a little.

"What's your nightmare all about?" Nightwing asked without looking to him because he was the one flying the jet.

"It's nothing that you should be worried about," He said.

"Let me guess, could it be that your coffee stash is taken by Alfred and hidden it or Damian is trying to kill you again because you're the one who blurted out their date to the team," Red Hood grinned as he noticed that he was right on the second one as Red Robin face reaction changes.

"Don't worry its just a nightmare, it's not real," Nightwing commented.

"I hope you're right," He sighed and looked up the window unable to sleep again.

*Time Skip*

They waited for Robin and Ladybug to arrived. A few minutes later the engine of the Zeta-tube light up as two figures entered fully costumed.

The team and the three bat brothers stood up and approached them.

"Welcome to the Teen Titan Tower, Ladybug. Make yourself at home," Nightwing gleefully greeted her.

"Thanks, Nightwing," Ladybug smiled as she looked around the room.

"Now let us all take a seat so I can introduce her to all of you and you can ask her and Damian's your questions comfortably," Nightwing announced.

Robin took off his mask and put it in his utility belt and seated next to Ladybug.

"Are you sure you're okay for the team to ask you question it might get personal and I know you still didn't want them to know your identity yet," Robin asked her.

"Its okay Dami, I'll just ignore or skip the questions that I don't want to answer," She answered him confidently.

As everyone is comfortably seated, Nightwing spoke loud and clear, "Team I want you to meet Ladybug, one of the heroes in Paris. Ladybug these are the team, Kori or as known as Starfire, Garfield is Beastboy, Victor is Cyborg, then Raven and lastly Jaime is Blue Beetle.""It's nice to meet you all," Ladybug smiled at them.

"Now that the introduction is done. Let's go with the Q and A," Red Hood said impatiently."So who wants to go first?" Ladybug asked facing the team.

Cyborg raises her hand and asked, "Are your powers inborn?"

"No, it's not. I receive it when I was in my tenth grade at the same time Hawkmoth's first Akuma appeared in Paris," she answered.

"Is that a yo-yo?" Blue Beetle asked.

Ladybug "Yes it is, this my trusty weapon in a battle."

"What are your powers?" Raven asked.

"I can summon my Lucky Charm which gives me some random item to use in the battle and also I have the miraculous cure that can repair things that were damaged when a miraculous is involve in the fight," Ladybug explained.

"How did you meet Damian?" Starfire asked.

"We've met in Paris, He was dared by his brothers to go on a blind date. As for me, a friend of mine forced me to do it for the sake of her other friend's 'Relationship' that never existed in the first place to my former crush. Then our school has a Student Exchange Program and I'm the one they nominated as a representative for our class. Damian and I meet again in his classroom in their school," Ladybug answered her.

"Have you two kissed yet?" Beastboy asked them.

Ladybug and Damian blushed at the question while Beastboy waited for one of them to answer although it was already obvious that they have kissed before. But before anyone can answer, Batman appeared from the Zeta-tube.

"Team to debriefing room!" He announced.

At that time Red Robin is relieved that he's not going to die on that night because Batman is there and no one told Damian that he was the one who blurted out his relationship with Marinette.

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