Ch. 31 - Playing with Fire

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Not edited ***

TW : Violence

I woke up to the sound of Lucas zipping up a bag. As I yawned I sat up in bed wrapping a blanket around me. It was chilly. The room was pitch black besides a light coming from inside the closet. I looked out the window and saw that the moon was still out. The sun wouldn't be up for another couple of hours. Through the crack in the door, I saw him swing his backpack over his shoulder as he peered over at me and saw that I was awake and started walking over to me.

"Go back to bed, Jo. I didn't mean to wake you." he said softly

"I'm up now I might as well see you off."

He smiled at my comment. I could pretend for a few more minutes. I wouldn't have to see him for two weeks and leaving on a good note was probably best. I wanted him to leave thinking I was warming up to him. We had even kissed last night, or rather he had kissed me. And I had shown him real concern for his well being which was somewhat genuine. I didn't want him to die. Feelings aside without his protection I'd never be able to finish my mission without blowing my cover. He was after all as Silas had so eloquently put it the only thing keeping me from being found dead in a ditch somewhere.

"There's a note downstairs explaining what your next two weeks will look like. It's on the island. If you need anything at all there will be a guard at the front. You can go for a walk in the forest if you would like all you have to do is tell him. Just don't go far."

I sat near the edge of the bed dangling my legs back and forth while Lucas knelt down in front of me wrapping his arms around my lower back and placing his head in my lap. I stiffened, but then relaxed slightly and started running my hands through his curls.

A horn blared from outside interrupting the two of us.

"Go back to bed."

I laid back down in bed and tossed as he pulled the covers up over me tucking me in.

"I'll see you soon." he said as he kissed my cheek and then my lips. He turned off the light in the closet and left me alone in the dark.

I was too anxious to go back to sleep despite my best efforts, so instead I laid there thinking as a looked at the shadows on the ceiling.

It was the weekend so I would be left alone beside the sole guard who sat in front of the house. Hopefully, I would manage to get something done.

After tossing and turning for an hour or two I crawled out of bed and dug out my mother's grimoire. I would never get used to the swirling letters on the page or the fact that the book seemed to have a mind of its own. It was comforting in a way.

I carefully turned each yellowed page until I stopped at one that was in some sort of germanic english. From what I could gather the page explained the science behind basic spells that revolved around water, air, and fire. After reading and rereading the page a couple dozen times I made a mental note to brush up on the languages I did know and add a few new languages like french and german to my vernacular.

'lyft, wasser, füir'

I plucked a piece of hair from my scalp and threw it in the air and mouthed, 'Lyft.'

I smiled to myself as it floated in the air. After a moment I willed it to stop and the hair fell to the ground. I grew more excited as I cupped my hands together.

"Wasser." I whispered.

As I did water pooled in my cupped hands. The water was cool and started to dip through my fingers. Bringing my hands up to my face I smelled the water before drinking it. It tasted like the water from the well at my grandfather's house - earthy and full of minerals. The thought ranged my heart.

Untamable Resolve: The Witheridge WitchesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz