Ch. 3 - The Morning of

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My entire cabin wakes to the intercom blaring. "Wake up, ladies! Rise and shine. It's an important day for most of you."

The noise leaves my ears ringing as I groan and quickly shove my pillow over my ears, trying to muffle her screeching. The voice is the same female werewolf as last night.

Just let me sleep.

I give up on any chance of falling back to sleep as one of the fellow girls decides it's a brilliant idea to open up the blinds abruptly. Grunting, I slowly squint as blinding sunlight hits my face. I run my hands over my face and into my hair as I hear the female werewolf make another announcement.

"Backpacks with rations for your allotted time in the forest have been provided, along with water. An armband with your personal information is inside. Please check that the information is correct before putting this on. Be prepared to leave in thirty minutes."

I took the top bunk, as Delia was too afraid she would fall in her sleep. I can't blame her. There isn't any railing to keep the occupant of the bunk from falling. I pop my head down, surprising her as I wiggle my eyebrows at her. Then, I jump from the top bunk to the ground with ease. I'm trying to keep the mood light. Oddly, this whole experience so far feels similar to summer camp, but I know that won't last for long. I look around and see that most of the other girls have begun to get ready.

I start to grab my clothes for the day before I look back over at my new friend. I notice Delia is worried. She has bit and picked at her fingers until nearly nothing is left of them. As I sit next to her on the bunk bed, I try to comfort her.

"Listen to what I'm going to tell you very closely," I say. "I do not know much about werewolves, but I do know that, in their wolf form, they act like animals. If we can't stay together, ditch the food they gave you in a secure location as soon as possible so that you can access it later. You will not starve. It seems it will only be a matter of hours if not a full day at the most. Plus, I have a feeling food will be the least of our worries."

Her eyes widen as she absorbs the information.

"If we make it past the afternoon, it's going to get very cold at night, so you will need shelter. Find an area with lots of leaves and burrow as deep down as you ca. That will keep you away from the elements. You will still be cold, but it will keep you away from the beasts."

Delia stutters out, "Water. I heard it helps. It gets your scent away. My mother said to keep clean, so they can't find us."

That could be good advice. Who knew if it was actually true? She grips my hand hard with her small fingers as girls move all around us.

"I don't want them to take me."

I pull her in for a quick hug. "They won't," I say with certainty.

However, as soon as I have uttered those words, something I can't quite recognize shifts in the air, and I can feel in my bones that I'm wrong.

Our embrace is interrupted by the intercom. "Twenty minutes everyone. Remember your armbands."

I grab ours out of our backpacks and help Delia put hers on before getting running to get dressed. Hers reads: Delia Wildon, 19, 103 lbs, blonde, blue eyes, District 4, Caregiver: Greggory Wildon. She then does the same for me. I glance at my armband. It reads: Josephine Witheridge, 24, 110 lbs, auburn, grey eyes, District 4, Caregiver: Johnathon Woods. My mother hadn't taken my father's name, and consequently, neither had I.

I am glad I brought my warm leather boots, fleece-lined pants, and warmest jacket. They are all neutral colors too which will hopefully help me evade the beasts and get back to grandfather. But as whatever is going to happen quickly approaches, I'm not so sure now. My intuition that has rarely led me astray is warning me of something. I have an eerie feeling in the pit of my stomach that puts me on edge.

'Whatever I am going to be thrown is not going to end well.

I try to push away the feeling and convince myself that I'm just still tired from the lack of sleep I've received in the past few days.

I think I'm better prepared than most, but I haven't had much experience with the wolves themselves. From that aspect, I'm at a disadvantage. I don't think any of us know what to expect though. We have all been kept in the dark as to what's going to happen today.

I go over to the sink and douse my face with cold water, trying to get my wits about me, and start brushing my teeth. I stare at myself in the mirror as I braid my hair to keep it out of my face. Despite my having mostly red hair, I have dark features, almost as if I've skipped out on being a brunette by an allele or two. Or is it something about recessive genes? It had been a while since I had taken my biology classes that I wasn't sure. I wanted to go back to college after this conflict ended if I could. Surely, they'd need nurses. I'd have to brush up on my readings in my old textbooks when I got home. Because I will be going home.

I am a realist somewhat, but it's hard to be a realist when you don't know what you're stepping into. Based on the fact that they gave us rations and armbands, I'm certain whatever it is it isn't good. My internal thoughts are interrupted when the intercom shrills once more at us.

"Five minutes. And bring the provided items with you. If you do not, you will not be allowed back until after the events."

I look at Delia as we grab our backpacks. "We'll stay together. We'll just have to be smart about it."

She nods. We will work as a team and make it out together. 

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