Ch. 26 - The Council

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Thirteen women sat round an ovular table. Murmuring and shock could be heard dispersing in multiple different languages as a standoff took place between my sister, who was stroking a cat in her lap at one head of the table and at the other a tall black woman wearing a diadem. It was obvious that Charlotte had just said something upsetting and maybe even disturbing.

'Was I dreaming?'

"You would do best to remember that you are not on the council. The seat you are sitting in was earned by your mother after hundreds of years of service. It's symbolic at best now until earned."

'I was angry.'

Charlotte gathered herself before responding, "It was a seat gifted to any Witheridge witch by your sister if I remember correctly? That was right before you took her place as Rectrix when she fell in battler saving the North American Campaign, was it not, Ana?

The Rectrix looked at the witch next to her with a knowing look I recognized her immediately. It was Dalila.

The Rectrix softly replied, "Your lively spirit and propensity to act is a living reminder for all of us of who your mother was. But even though the werewolves have broken the covenant that we made with them that has stood firm since before the fall of Rome by outing themselves to the world, I will not eradicate an entire species."

"We would destroy ourselves in the process. You know that. But I guess the Witheridge family has always had a tendency to be suicidal. That's what gives you your edge that comes in useful. But that's why the council is here. To give you direction."

'I can see the council being useful in times of war, yes, but I could see that getting annoying.'

"Now, if they out witches to the world as well, we will revisit the issue. But we will not destroy them. We may just have to take away their powers for a few generations as a last resort until they become a scary bedtime story that parents tell their kids about. However, our objective as of right now is to tip the scale whenever possible for the resistance and remain under the radar of the humans and our numbers unknown to the werewolves."

Charlotte looked as if she was going to retort something but froze as her cat hissed.

"We aren't alone."

With a wave of her hand, the Rectrix demanded, "Azhar hafsak!" (اظهر نفسك)

Instantly, I felt whatever veil that was shielding me from their view dissipate.

All eyes landed on me.

A hush of worried whispers flooded the room. Suddenly, I was extremely self-conscious about meeting all of these high ranking witches in my pajamas all battered and bruised. This wasn't how I wanted them to see me.

"What the fuck happened, Jo? I literally saw you less than twenty-four hours ago?"

I opened my mouth and then closed it again. I felt like I was going to cry.

My bottom lip quivered as I said, "I'm earning our mother's seat."

I looked straight at the Rectrix and asked as my voice broke, "Right?"

A wash of guilt washed over her face, but at the same time resolve.


She paused momentarily.

"But what you're doing is so much more than that petty politics aside. Your mission is paramount to our cause. It's hard, but I firmly believe that we will prevail; we just have to persist in this together."

She stood up and began to walk my way.

"The situation that you are in is not ideal in any capacity. We do not ask lightly for an untrained child like yourself to go almost entirely solo on an operation like this"

Untamable Resolve: The Witheridge WitchesWhere stories live. Discover now