Chapter 7: Training Scarlette

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Scarlette's POV

Getting used to this new training thing is so different. I seriously thought I would be eating pasta with Diana and flirting with hot Italian men instead of transforming into an animal.

My grandmother Rose used to tell me stories about wolves when I was little. its wierd that Alexander calls me rosa since that was my grandma's name. I always wondered why but now I'm starting to understand that she might've known all along. Grandma Rose died when I was very young.

I looked at the clock and realized that I had to go to a training area today. I guess alex was supposed to be training me whatever that means. I realized it was super hot out and I don't have any clothes.

Thankfully Diana had a set of clothes so I decided to borrow her gray leggings and a red sports bra.

"girl, he's going to blow his mind! you look really sexy. Red is definitely your color." Laughing I walked outside. I can't wait to fuck with him.

'or do you want to fuck him?' kathrine said to me. Stay out of this and my head I replied to her.

As I stepped outside I noticed the training area was huge and breath-taking. There were people of all ages outside practicing and fighting each other, either in wolf or human form. As I walked around each person looked at me wondering who I was. I smiled and looked at all the different people of the wolf pack. I can't believe people actually live like this. there was one huge fighting area in the middle of the outdoors with bleachers all around it, some people were sitting at them watching the two men fight.

all the most ripped men were fighting in it. I looked over and saw the most gorgeous couple making out and I felt a pulse at my core.

Suddenly I felt someone tap me on the shoulder and it scared the shit out of me. "Rosa, that could be us but you don't want me just yet." I noticed Xander had caught me watching the couple making out. I rolled my eyes, "In your dream blue eyes."

I noticed Alexander had been in sweats. I never thought men looked good in sweats but he looked mouth-watering. Damn this man could look good in a paper bag.

"Before we start, I have to do something really quick." Xander turned his head to the whole crowd of people and yelled, "EVERYONE LEAVE THIS AREA NOW EXCEPT FOR NATE AND DIANA, I'll see you all tonight at the welcoming party we have for Scarlette and Diana !". Two really buff men stood by the door watching us, I'm guessing they're our body guards, now that I think about it they're always by alexander.

Everyone that was outside started walking inside each one looking at the two of us. Diana and Nate walked up to the two of us. Nate started up, "Hey scar you ready to be trained today? just so you know, I'm actually alexander's brother and beta, im his second in command, I'm also Diana's mate." Nate pulled Diana close to her, I felt so envious of how they had gotten close to each other, it was almost like they had already slept together. Maybe they did sleep together?

'girl you should sleep with Xander and our mate he would be the best sex ever, even better than that ex you had, he was such a bore.' Kathrine stated to me.

She was there when I slept with my ex? I immediately felt uncomfortable because I knew deep down that the sex with him was not good.

Diana noticed me in my thoughts, "so who will be training who?"

"I'll be training Diana, she'll be a luna so it's best that she's trained by the alpha, Nate you'll train Diana." Nate, Diana, and I nodded at Xander's response. Diana hugged me and walked over to another platform with Nate, I could still see them but they were a little bit away from me. Diana was touching nates hair and pressing up against him.

Xander smirked at me, "You ready to fall on your sexy ass?" I laughed him off. "You really thought you could distract me wearing only a sports bra rosa? It's only fair if I do something too." Xander ripped off his shirt in a quick motion. I looked over and noticed that it landed right by Nate's feet. "nice try Mr. big alpha." Nate, Diana, the two men standing by the door, and I laughed.

I'm not going to lie, so many butterflies came into my stomach seeing his 8 pack. "Like what you see Rosa? You can have it all, right here, right now." I immediately thought of Xander pinning me to the ground with him on top of me. Innapropitate images started to fill my head. I flashed back into reality and noticed that Xander saw how flustered I was. Embarresed I replied to him,"Let's just get this stupid training thing over with."

Xander started to show me some moves and I actually blocked his first two hits. The second hit I fell to the ground but then used my legs to trip himm.

I quickly crawled up and put him in a headlock with my legs holding his head in between my legs steady. "whoa rosa you're a little strong right now you're kinda crushing me even though I love the 69 positions."

"took yoga for 10 years, I'm a bit flexible." I moved back a little so I was on top of his pubic area. If he's going to tease me then I'm going to get him back. If we had no clothes on right now this would be like having sex. I felt a huge wave of pleasure and noticed that in this position, he was a bit hard. "ohh Scarlette that's so nice." his eyes turned from blue to a darker gray.

Smiling, I quickly turned him on his stomach and had both of his arms behind his back. "gotcha! you shouldn't be fooled by a woman."

this was the first time I've ever seen Alexander blush,"That was not a fair advantage Scarlette and you know it."

"girls have to do what they have to do." I patted him on the back.

We practiced a bit more and I was finally getting the hang of fighting in my human form. My extra yoga moves helped give me a special unique form of fighting.

"So, since you pretty much have human fighting down let's see if you can fight in your wolf form." my stomach dropped. I don't know if I turn into a wolf again. "I don't remember how to turn into a wolf. What if I don't know how to change back?". Alexander sighed,"Kathrine will help you, I'll be right here with you so it will be easier to change. When a wolf is with their mate its a lot easier to change if you're newer to this, just imagine your hands turning to paws and let the pain pass through you, here watch me first, my wolf's name is James ."

quickly I saw Xander strip off his clothes except for his boxers. He turned from a man to a wolf in just a few seconds, it looked so easy for him. The change was almost beautiful. His wolf was black with a white spot on his chest, almost like a birthmark. I could still his beautiful blue eyes but they were brighter in wolf form. "Hi james." i reached out my hand and started to pet him. The wolf nodded it's head at like me it was alexander saying to shift.

I hurriedly got down on all fours and imagined myself transforming into a wolf. The next thing I knew I was back to that wolf form I had once been in. My new white paws were almost like yin and yang next to Alexander's black paws.

'finally you don't keep me locked away after all those years. I can't wait to meet our mate. I'm going to be in control for a while.'

my new form trotted up to alexanders wolf.


Our wolves started to sniff each other like saying hello and ended up nuzzeling each other's necks. After about 10 minutes alexander came back from behind a tree.

Alexander started to pet my wolf. "Time to shift back Scarlette we have to get ready for your welcoming party tonight."

I tried my best to shift back and the next thing I knew I felt so tired and so cold. I layed on the ground naked while Alexander wrapped me in a blanket and lifted me up bridal style yet again. The last thing I heard before passing out was,"Rosa you're so beautiful."

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