MATURE CONTENT: meeting my parents

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Thank you all so much for still reading this story! It means the world to me that you're reading it! Im about to wrap it up soon but I have a few things to add in so get ready!! Thank you all so much again, this is a big passion of mine!
Scarlette POV
I awake. This time my adoptive father isn't there and neither is andrew but Davina, my mom and dad are there. Davina is sleeping. I can't believe that I took my hand and healed her.
"We've been waiting for you to find us, we love you so much." I turn over and it's my long lost mom. My heart sinks to my stomach. I can't believe they were held here.
I gulp,"how long have you two been here?"
My father frowns," we've been here for a week but everytime we tried to find you you were hidden. A little while ago we found Davina. We told her when she found you that she would have to stay and make sure you were alright, and she did."
My new found mom cut in,"we found out that you were working for Andrew and that evil bast*rd. We tried so many years to get rid of him. But we weren't strong enough. We have to tell you something. There is a reason why you can heal with your hands like that. I was the moon goddess, when you have a baby it passes to your child. I had twins so it chose either you or Davina. Now that I see it my beautiful daughter, you're now the moon goddess. They say when you first use your gifts with true love your true power will emerge."

I moved over and reached my hand through the bars holding my biological mother's hand,"I'm so sorry that I never tried to find you both. I love you all so so so much. I swear when I get out of here I'm going to give you two the best life."

My father chimed in,"it's okay Scarlett you didn't know we were alive, you were lied to for years. We love you so much never forget that."

A tear rolled down my cheek. I had a family this whole time and it was ripped away from me.

"We're going to do whatever we can to help you. We're going to get out of here. If you don't feel comfortable calling us mom and dad, my name is Santina and your father's name is Derek."

I looked down at my stomach. The baby bump has been getting bigger. I have to get out of here. And I have to help my whole get of out of here. I looked at all the needle marks down my arms.

"Have they been experimenting on me?"

When I asked that question I saw Andrew walk into the room with a whole kit of syringes. "Good question. We have been experimenting on you Scarlette. Sit on the hospital bed. You're getting your first treatment tonight awake."

I didn't get up, there is no way he's experimenting on me. If he's really a doctor he would know that's the most unethical you can go in life.

I saw Andrew get the most angry I've ever seen and opened up my cage and slammed my head back onto the wall. "You better fucking listen b*tch! I'm tired of this you listen now! I thought you loved me once now you want nothing to do with me. What did you do with that disgusting pile of shit when you left for Italy? I want you to know he's nothing he doesn't even murder people as a mafia boss it's pathetic! All he does is take money that is given to him from the rich houses and gives it to people who are poor! He's not a violent mafia boss like people say he is! He's nothing. He won't ever save you.

My heart broke. I ran away from him because I thought he was some murderous man but he's far from it. I messed up. My I put my hand over my heart thinking of him. Thinking of our rose connection. There is something always drives me. It's love.

Out of nowhere I felt this power build up and out of me. I held up my hand over Andrew's eyes with all the power I could push out.

"My eyes! My eyes! What did you do I can't see! What did you do to me?"

I looked at my hand in disbelief. Did I blind someone I can't believe I just did that. I'm the dangerous One.

While Andrew is on the floor I look up to see someone standing in the hallway. My one and only true love. Alexander Esposito looking the most sexiest I've ever seen him in all black, he even had the black gloves that those mafia men usually have. I could hear the growls of his pack outside the door.

Thinking I'm in a dream, I pass out from all the medications I've been put on, all I remember, falling into the love of my life's caring strong arms.  "Help my parents and my sister too." I manage to whisper before going black.

Thank you all so much for reading! This story isn't over yet there is so much to come!! Thank you all so much again, this is a huge passion for me!

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