Mature Conent** Chapter 17

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Thank you all so much for reading!! This is going to be an intense chapter so I'm turning on the mature content guide. Read at your own risk! Thank you all so much for reading! Get ready for some serious twists and turns!
Scarlette's POV
I wake up my head is pounding and throbbing. I turn over on a bed that looks actually looks nice and comfortable. Maybe I'm at Alex's bed. I turn over and reach for Alex but he's not there.

I see someone come forward in my vision. It's Andrew. Except this time I'm on a hospital bed and in a room where there are bars around me. My stomach is attached to a tube going inside of my stomach. My stomach has gotten bigger, I guess werewolf babies grow extremely fast.

I turn over and see two people in their own "cage" I like to call it and it's a middle aged women who looks to be the age of 50. With a man sitting next to her, seeming like it's her husband. They're both looking at me with worry. They each have their own bed but it is smaller. They went easy on me.

I turn to the left and see what I didn't want to see. Davina chained to the wall in her own cage too, looking at me with full fear in eyes.

I look forward again to see Andrew. "Did you have a nice nap? I had fun undressing you again."  Andrew stares at me darkly. I get chills thinking of him dressing me in this hideous hospital gown, even I wouldn't pick this out for my patients.

I hear him open the cage to the room I'm staying in. "See I've been obsessed with you for years. Studied every part of you. Now I have you under my fingertips, with my other prized possessions."

"What are you doing? Why are you hurting me and my baby? What are you hurting these people? Who the fuck are you?" I scream. As I move I feel pain radiate to my stomach and arms. I scream out in agony. Every time I move is it's unbearable. One of those feelings you get when you feel like your going to die.  "I put wolfsband over your body. You won't be able to go anywhere."

Andrew walks forward again this time touching my hair and stroking it," I always loved your brunette hair. I've never loved anyone as beautiful as you, now you want to replace me with some werewolf trash."

Disgusted by him I turn my face away and don't look at him. The second I do that Andrew takes his hand and slaps me in the face. A tear rolls down my cheek. I should've never left I put our child in danger.

"Who are you? I deserve to know the monster I worked with and regretfully dated."

Andrew watches me intently," I'm a werewolf hunter and so is your so called father." Andrew does air quotes as he says father. "Funny that I say father because this is like a whole family reunion for you. See this couple next you? This woman looks like you. So does this man."

No. No. No. my worst nightmare has come true. These are my parents and they have been captured this whole time. I couldn't help them. Tears roll down my face. Despair loneliness all I ever felt not being able to have a normal life with my parents. They wanted me the whole time.

"See that doctor girl to the left? Yeah she's your sister. Davina is your sister. Funny how both of you went to medical school and everything they say it's in the family."

Davina is laying there in a pool of blood. My sister. My poor sister. How could I never know. I just up quickly and run to her. I shake her. She won't wake up.

"Funny you think you could've saved her. She took a bullet for you. She died because of you."

Pain, anger, everything bubbled up inside of me. He know of my parents the whole time. He is a sick freak.

I scream. I feel my hands turn into claws and my teeth turn and slam Andrew into the metal bars, knocking him out. 

"No one ever messes with my family."

I run up to Davina and check her pulse, but it's too late, she has no more chance of life.

She reaches up to whisper in my ear,"keep living and healing others for me, I love you my little sister." Tears roll down my cheeks. I hold her while I cry.

Suddenly a white light starts to come out of my hands. And feel Davina start to come back. My hands somehow have turned into a miracle as Davina's chest heals over making her  look perfectly fine.

Davina looks at me shocked in disbelief. How did I just heal a whole person with a white light coming out of my hands. What's wrong with me? What's happening to me?

I look down at my hands as I do so I feel a big syringe push into my neck. "Good job Scarlette. It's your adoptive Dad here to see you, time to go to sleep."

I drift off into a long slumber...

I will try to post soon! I'm on a roll! Catch you all back next time thank you so much again for reading!!

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