MATURE CONTENTChapter 11: Kidnapped my Mate's Ex

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Thank you all so much for reading my story, i'm so absolutely thankful!! I finally moved to Florida and im a little bit settled in so i'm thinking of writing tonight! I'm a nursing student so writing is definitely very therapeutic for me! I have this story planned out and I can't wait for you all to read it! Thank you so much again for reading and get ready for some exciting chapters!


Alexander's POV

Here I am at my dungeon. I make sure to hide it from everyone because I don't want them to know about the enemies I've had to keep here. One thing I've noticed that Drake says is all my enemies want to be friends with my other enemies so I don't let it get to me.

There he is. The doctor. Andrew. I'm finally meeting this guy. I'm standing behind a glass where he can't see me. it's kind've like what they have at police stations.

I work hand in hand and help with a few police work now and then. I actually have a degree for personal investigator detective so I use it from time to time, it helps me understand the trouble surrounding my area. Although mafia boss is definitely a higher job. I'm not the kind've mafia boss that does drugs and kills, I just take money from the surrounding businesses and donate some to charity and my pack.

Andrew is sitting on the chair looking at his hands. Does he look better than me? You think Scarlette finds him more attractive? theres no way. Maybe? ugh what the fuck. Only I would kidnap my mate's ex.

"I can feel you watching me behind the glass. Come out you creepy fuck." Andrew says.

I walk out into the room.

"Nice to finally meet you, I'm-"

"I already know who you are Alexander. I've been watching you for years. I already knew you were her mate even before I laid eyes on you. Scarette is a special wolf, maybe the most special in the world. I will kill you before you can have what I want, you're a waste of space."

I'm complete taken back. How did he know we were mates, what the fuck is going on here. He's obviously human I can smell that about him. Someone is telling him about werewolves and I don't like it.

I run up to him and slam him against the wall furious,"YOU BETTER TELL ME RIGHT NOW HOW YOU KNOW ALL THIS INFORMATION, I could squeeze one more inch and you would gone from this world, you're not a wolf like me."

Andrew smiles creepily then whispers in my ear,"I could tell you anything but I won't tell you at all. I will tell you that I slept with your new girlfriend and I touched her everywhere, I have seen every inch of her body and i've even kissed every single inch of her, and thats not all, i've even gotten off from her pictures, I bet you did t-"

Thats fucking it. I lose it. I grab him and ram him into the chair. I grab some chains and attach him to the table.

I'm beyond angry im livid,"If you ever touch her I will make you wish you were never alive. Don't talk to her, don't look at her, and don't even think of her."

I slam him down.

I turn before leaving,"I'm going figure out what your plan is. While I do that, have fun down here. Don't even think about scarlette while I leave you here."

Andrew smiles with a darkly grin and points uptairs, "Don't worry I may be down here but theres a few of us free upstairs."

I walk out the door. I hear Andrew laughing an evil laugh. I need a break from here. I work too damn hard. I think it's time I take my mate on a proper italian date.

Werewolf Mafia Boss Meets a DoctorWhere stories live. Discover now