Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.5

Comenzar desde el principio

Cheng Bi Yu gazed sympathetically, "How tragic her final moments must have felt?!-" Zheng Yong pulls the white cloth over her entirely.

Zhou Tong had set off in hopes to find out the identity of the unidentified woman Cheng Bi Yu was surprisingly free Zheng Yong had no orders or his special five impossible task he'd have her do so she was left sitting outside around the brown bench in the center of the courtyard soaking in adequate sun and fresh air.

Mei-Liang suggests quick seeing Cheng Bi Yu's bored expression, "..Why don't we go out? You know and go sight seeing if Miss is bored. Will that elevate your mood?.."

Cheng Bi Yu beams but her wide smile plundered her shoulders slumped  she childishly puffs her cheeks, "...As much as I'd love to escape these walls poker face might ask for my assistance out of the blue." Her lips thinned further as she stroked the table surface in a circular motion, "..If I'm conveniently no where to be found Master Poker face might just blow his cap-"

"Oh-" Mei-Liang mumbled disheartened then beams showing off her pearly jewels her clear eyes sparkled, "..Then let's do one thing. Why don't I go prepare a fresh batch of your favorite sweet dumplings then we eat it together hmm. How does that sound?-"

Cheng Bi Yu grins like a fool her lips curved further her mouth practically watered with anticipation Mei-Liang paused lifting her finger,"...But I'll have to go out to get ingredients. I'm afraid I'll have to keep Miss waiting for awhile-"

"...That's perfectly fine I can wait!-" Cheng Bi Yu coolly responds, "..But you'll have to add something special-" Mei-Liang stands, "Anything for you-" she heads out to purchase the ingredients. Left alone once again Cheng Bi Yu puffs out her cheeks she rested her jaw in her palm focusing on the peach tree ahead.

Cheng Bi Yu shoulder is then lightly tapped she peers up,"Oh Officer Zhou when did you get back?..." She asks as he takes a seat beside her Zhou Tong proclaimed tucking away his sword, " I returned a good while ago. I was discussing my findings with Magistrate Zheng,"

"...Then-" she shifts looking on attentively, "..What did you find out?-"

"Nothing-" Zhou Tong deadpanned. Cheng Bi Yu jolts astonishingly shocked, "What?!-" she but her tongue, "..But you were out for almost half a day and you're telling me you got nothing! No name, no address, not even a next of kin?!-" she remains dumbfounded.

Zhou Tong exhausted frustratedly exhaled, "..Even with the sketch we drew no one knows her it's like she fell from the face of the earth no one knows she exist,"

Cheng Bi Yu weakly banged her fist against the table she grits her teeth, "-There must be something or someone who knows our corpse to tell us who she is! She didn't fall from the earth so easily someone made her  permanently disappear-" she chewed her lip her belly then alarmingly grumbles, "Hungry?-" Zhou Tong asks seeing her flushed face, "Un-" she nods averting her gaze, "Mei-Liang should be back anytime now-"

Zhou Tong already stands to his feet, "...Then shall we go out to eat Advisor or should I order the kitchen to make something-" Cheng Bi Yu roughly tugs his hand dragging him back down, "As I've said Mei-Liang will be back anytime now she'll prepare something when she gets back-"

After the abrupt announcement it was know that Cheng Bi Yu had unexpected guest, "..It's a pleasure meeting you again Lord Tang-" her lips curled her exciting gaze focused on Meigui's ethereal face if possible she looked even more striking, "..I'm flattered but I'm just known as Advisor Tang around these parts."

Cheng Bi Yu delightful smile pierced her heart, "..Miss Hong has come for a visit is there a special occasion? Perhaps something I could assist with?-"

Meigui slants her eyes, "..I apologize for showing up unannounced I just wanted to see Lord Tang once again to further express my gratitude-" her tone was like spring breeze warming around other's hearts Cheng Bi Yu grins, "..No need to apologize. I'm quite delighted I've made such an lasting impression on Miss Hong-" she playfully wagged her eyebrows, "..Besides who wouldn't be delighted being visited by two beauties on a spring day like this?-"

Cheng Bi Yu gazed focused on the protruding accessory perfectly lodged in her bun, "...I see you're wearing my hairpin-" hearing those words Meigui fingers rose instinctively grasping the end of the hairpin, "W-well t-this I-" panicked she miserably slurred Yi-Hsuan blurts out, "-I encouraged Miss to where it. This servant thought it'll be appropriate to wear-"

Cheng Bi Yu gave a faint smile, "...I think it suits you well-" she honestly complimented Meigui effortlessly managed to pull the accessory off.

Meigui blushed, "..It's because Lord Tang has excellent taste-" she then gestures towards Yi-Hsuan, "...I've brought this-" the doe eyed maid untied the tight knot carefully removing the mint green cloth revealing a wooden box she lifts the lid, "..They're moon cakes I've heard that other than sweet dumplings moon cakes are Advisor Tang's favourite. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong after all I got my source from rumors-"

"...It seems those rumors are legible-" Cheng Bi Yu grins she received the outstretched box of moon cakes practicallysquishing it against her chest she directs the rocky cakes with marshmallow filling to her mouth she moans her tongue quivered from the sweetness explosion, "..These are really tasty! They're excellent-"

Meigui softly chuckled at Cheng Bi Yu's childlike expression, "..I guess my skills aren't half bad since Advisor Tang praises so much-" Cheng Bi Yu paused her eyes slightly widened in surprise, "You really made this?!-"

Yi-Hsuan hyper answers for her, "..Miss Hong really made this from scratch herself you refused any help she was so determined she even got burnt-" Yi-Hsuan gestures to Meigui's lightly wrapped hand which she immediately hid under her sleeve, "Yi-Hsuan you didn't have to tell him that-" she lightly pinched her maid's arm the doe eyed girl hushed.

Cheng Bi Yu cocked her brows, "..Is that true Miss Hong?-" Meigui embarrassed lowers her gaze the teen
flatly mumbled, "Un.." she mouths, "But it's just a small burn nothing like Yi-Hsuan is exaggerating about-"

"...If that's the case since Miss Hong went through so much trouble I'll all the more ensure I finish ever last bite-" Cheng Bi Yu declares Meigui lifts her head.

Cheng Bi Yu then exclaimed, "...But next time don't go through all this trouble I'll be burdened if Miss Hong sustain anymore injuries for my sake-"

"...Advisor Tang it's nothing really if I get hurt because I'm doing something I really have a passion for-" Cheng Bi Yu interjects, "..If that's what you want I won't stop you but be more careful next time-" she pursed her lips, "...Then why don't be drop all the formalities here since you care a deep sense for me. Just call me Gege like you would call your brother and I'll call you Meigui. Would you like that Meigui?-" her name intimately rolled off her tongue

Meigui felt like her heart pound rapidly her face tinged a wide smile spread across her lips, "..I'd love that Gege-"

Cheng Bi Yu smiles she thought Meigui was really cute she wanted eagerly to pinch her soft cheeks she thought, 'Sister you're so adorable I badly want to squish your fluffy cheeks!-'

"Cute!-" Cheng Bi Yu uncontrollably blurted out loud Meigui smiled brighter her dimples were highlighted with this action of her's Yi-Hsuan shyly hid her face embarrassed.

Zhou Tong's mood dampened as a unhappy frown makes it way on his face, as he thought, 'Why are you so close to her but you still call me Officer Zhou?!'

Cheng Bi Yu turns her attention  frowning officer upon sensing his stare, 'What's wrong with his face?-' she thought her eyebrows creased, "...Something wrong Officer Zhou?-"

The decorated officer denies a problem Zhou Tong secretly glares at the gentle Meigui who had googly eyes at his naive boss, 'You sickly  flower how dare you look at Magistrate Zheng's Advisor like that!-'
when what he really wanted to say was his Advisor his anger mellowed he was conflicted on why he was jealous of Hong sect's Second Miss in the first place?

Unnoticed by everyone Yi-Hsuan sneakily ogled Officer Zhou her teenage heart raced on adrenaline she blushed rubbing her cheeks it was the first time she payed keen attention to the opposite sex.

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