The Angel's Sacrifice Ch. 4

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I watch as the door slams closed. I kick it angrily -- childish, I know but there comes a time where one just really needs to kick a door. Turning around to put my back against it, I gaze around my new room.

My first thought? Enormous! It's way bigger than the first floor of my home or, what used to be my home at least. My second thought: windows! Directly on the other side of the room is floor to ceiling windows across the whole side of the wall. The windows are broken up by books shelves filled with novels and books... thousands of books. I smile contently. The shelves (also floor to ceiling) appear to be built into the wall.

In complete awe (I love to read) I walk across the hard wood floors. I glance down, just for a moment, when my feet touch the softest rug in the world. I keep walking to the other side to look out the windows. It's the perfect landscape: Mountains in the distance, forest for a backyard, and what seems to be a lake somewhere a mile or so out. I sigh, completely content. If I was here on any other circumstance, I would never want to leave.

Forgetting why I'm here and overwhelmed but now truly excited, I turn around to find my bed. It doesn't take long- it's a king size with a sheer curtain around it. Giddy, I run towards it. Jumping up and down on it, I look at the rug and I stop. It's a huge picture of a flower, a rose to be precise. The same one that was laced with that disorienting fog. Despite the bad memories associated with it, the picture is beautiful.

I get off to bed to explore the room more. A desk with a lamp sits to the right, bumped up against one of the windows. I open the drawers to find boat loads of fine paper, a pen, an ink pot, and get this: a quill! I shake my head but I keep going.

I try to find the dresser but I can't find it at all. Not that it really matters, I only have three outfits including the one I'm wearing, but a set of French doors in the upper left hand corner catches my eye. I gasp.

“No. Freaking. Way.” I sprint to the doors and yank them open.

Inside is the biggest walk in closet ever- filled to the brim with clothes and shoes! I walk around feeling each piece of fabric, loving the way and feels and for the first time, loving the castle. In the very back of the closet, I find yet another door.

Opening it, I look in amazement as I see a gold trimmed shower with a separate tub. I walk over and see that the tub has claw feet. Oh yes-- this is going to be good...

As I slip off my clothing, I try to forget that I've been kidnapped. I will myself to let it go, just this once, and enjoy what little peace I have. And for awhile it works.


About an hour later (I can tell because I have a grandfather clock in my bathroom and in my room) I'm all clean and dressed in one of my new outfits. It's a dark denim mini with a baby pink sweater/shirt.  I look in the mirror as I open up drawers, only to find new make-up in them. I've never been able to wear make-up before, so I'm quite baffled, but regardless I open up this and that, trying to apply something correctly.

I look at my features again. My golden brown hair is rather messy so I begin to brush it out as I continue to look at myself. My eyes look fine-- same bright blue, still specked with gold-- but my eyelashes are looking a little droopy. I root around my make-up stash to find some mascara. As I apply it, I look at all the products that promise to "conceal the most horrid pimples" and such and I thank my lucky stars that I have amazing Mediterranean skin-- still tan from the summer thank God. I'm no priss but I like to look my best (who doesn't?). But then again, who am I trying to impress? The Fallen who is trying to kill me? Frustrated, I throw all the make-up back in the drawer and slam it closed.

Now disgusted, I walk out to the main room to look at my book selection. Taking the time to scan what seems to be a perfect room, I realize it’s too perfect. Everything I ever wanted in a room, everything that I had ever fantasized about was now in front of me. I'll admit the rose carpet was a surprise but it was still creepy. It was the spitting image of the flower that had knocked me out! I resolve to get rid of it as soon as possible.

 As I sit down on the nearest couch to distract myself with a novel, my stomach lets out a painful growl. Oh, right. The one thing I don't have is a personal kitchen. My stomach lets out another gurgle as the smell of brownies wafts through my room. They smell amazing...

Getting up, I walk over to the door that will lead me to the hallway. Opening it up and peering out, I see the coast is clear. Moving as fast as I dare, I let my nose take me to where the heavenly brownie smell is coming from.

As I scurry through the castle (for I now know it is indeed a castle), I think of my escape. The first step to make sure no one knows that I know the "plan" of me falling for Jack. Second step is to get to the library to find that infamous book, Heaven, and read it. After reading it, regardless of what it says, get the hell out of here and back to my family-- maybe kicking some Fallen butt on the way if the book has any information about it. The hardest part will be getting to the library-- I'm sure of it. Books hold knowledge and I'm pretty sure these Angels don't want me to have knowledge. I shiver-- why is it so cold here? -- and I think of my family. Where are they? Are they looking for me? Pictures of my mom and brother searching for me and calling my name make my chest hurt. No, I have to be strong!

Jumping up and down to clear the sensation, I focus on the one thing that's important: my escape. As I think of my plan, I realize how lame it is. But it's the best I have right now. My stomach rumbles and I force myself to get my mind back on finding some food so I won't pass out from hunger.


A door is the only thing blocking me now from the kitchen. After trial and error, I finally found where the smell was coming from. Taking a deep breath, enjoying the scent (it reminds me of home), I push open the door to find... Jack stuffing his face with brownies?

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