The Angel's Sacrifice Ch. 32

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Taking a deep breath, I stare into my bathroom mirror. I look deep into my own ice blue eyes, searching for an answer to my many questions, searching for peace of mind for at least this one night. Sorrowful piano music drifts from my room, lending itself to my mood and I welcome it.

Tonight is the summer party and the heat is almost stifling. Luckily, cool breezes are coming at me from every direction due to the many fans set up and I don't feel it as much as I could be. Letting go of my breath in a whoosh, I stand upright and turn away from my reflection. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the scar on my neck and I close my eyes against the memory.

Searching my closet for appropriate attire for the evening, I'm struck with how in a space within twenty-four hours my wardrobe could be completely changed. Sun dresses are placed around, hung delicately while breezy tank tops lie folded together.

Selecting a blood red colored one, I pick out a pair of shorts form the abundance overflowing from my drawers. The final notes of piano music come to an end and silence some how rings in my ears.

Walking out to the main room, I change in front of my windows, far beyond caring who may be watching. The sun rests just above the mountains and in the distance, the sky is turning a pink hue.

Finished changing, I am struck with the memory of Nellie helping me last time I was getting ready for a party. With a pang, I walk back to my closet searching for a pair of shoes, recalling how Nellie came in the nick of time with a perfect pair of black heels.

I go through every pair that is available and I find nothing that suits my mood or the occasion. With frustration, I throw a pair of green flip flops at the sink before sitting on my bed with my head in my hands.

A tear trickles down my cheek before I defiantly stand up. Throwing back my shoulders in a power stance, I wipe away any excess tears and will myself to get into the festive mood. Retrieving my iPad, I select a pump up song before returning once again to my bathroom.

Rummaging within the contents of the drawers, I spy my deep red nail polish. Setting up everything accordingly, I paint my toes to the beats of a medley of Queen, System of a Down and Madonna.


In black-strapped wedges, I walk outside my room to the hallway unsure of what to do. I had not received an invitation this time, directing me to where I needed to go. However, I am not kept in the dark very long because a boy of maybe sixteen struts up to me and asks, "Miss Fae?"

I'm about to snap, "Who else could I be?" when I realize that Marcie is still around and that I need to keep my emotions in check. But with the thought of Marcie comes the startling image of her curled body and broken mind.

I shake my head slightly and the boy says, "Miss?"

Remembering him I respond, "Yes, I am, uh, Fae." I struggle to form a complete sentence as we begin to walk away from my room. "Where are we going?"

"I'm not really allowed to tell you," replies the kid.

Waves of uncalled for shivers go down my spine and I stop dead in my tracks. "I... I need to go get something," I say with sudden realization and I run back to my room.

Locking the door behind me, I quickly walk to the middle bookshelf located across the room. Going one more over to the left, I go the middle of that to the second to last shelf. There, as I knew I would, I find a copy of Grimm fairy tales. Pulling it out of its resting place, I bring the book over to my desk where I pull out the last drawer. Along the inside of the top board, I find my ring that had been in my backpack the day I came to the castle.

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