The Angel's Sacrifice Ch. 14

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Thank you to Kirbyx for making me smile-- A LOT. And although she hasn't watched ANY of the Classic Disney movies, she is still pretty dang awesome. Thanks for being so cool B-)


"Ah! Fae, no, stop! It's me, Jack!" The figure screams, shielding itself with its hands.

It's incredibly dark, even with the crystals shining. I hear a heavy rain attacking the black stones of the castle. I am calmed slightly by this, but I still hold my pillow, cocked and ready to strike. That is until a streak of lightning lights up the night sky to reveal the Falling Angel.

I lower the pillow, and then raise it again when I realize that Jack might be trying to killing me now rather than tomorrow. I scream out a war-cry again and throw myself at Jack, giving it my all. I will not go down with out a fight!

"Fae, stop it!" Jack says, panting from blocking my attacks. Finally, I lose my footing and caught off-guard, Jack pins me down.

"Why is it that I always have to practically sit on you for us to carry on a conversation?" Jack asks, trying to be funny but clearly angry.

I roll my eyes and struggle. Through gritted teeth I reply, "'Cause your always trying to kill me, you asshole!"

"Well, then! If I was going to kill you, I think I would have already done so, don't you think?"

I quit struggling after he says that. Its sound logical but I'm still hesitant to trust him. I look into his mesmerizing deep green eyes and ask, "Then, pray tell, why the hell are you in my room, watching me sleep like some creeper wanna-be vampire?"

Letting go of my arms, Jack sits at the foot of my bed, legs crossed. He sits there a moment, regarding me. It's then that his eyes fall upon my necklace. A quick secession of lightning streaks makes bright streams of light cascade into my room. Jack looks at me in shock. "Where... where did you get that?" he sputters, not believing what sits before him.

Tiny tears build up behind my eyes as I think of my dad. "It was... a parting gift," I finally say. I crawl to my head board and lean up against it. "Now why are you in my room," I yawn, letting my guard fall, "so early in the morning if you're not going to kill me?"

Breathing deeply, Jack says, "We need to talk."

"Like hell we do..." I mutter ask I squeeze a pillow, not looking at Jack.

By the shift on the bed, I can tell I've offended the Dawn, but I'm in no mood to just let him off the hook. Jack takes a calming breath then starts on his little speech. "It's time that I tell you what's been going on:

I think you've figured this out already, but ever since you came to my castle, Lance has been putting his Trance over you. Toying with your emotions, making you think things and pretty much just screwing with you is what he’s been doing. The day he kissed you, he was trying to leach onto your soul. It's the only way-"

"Yeah, I know. The handbook told me that already," I interrupt, impatient of having to listen to information I already know for the second time this evening.

Jack nods like he assumed that I did know. "The book... We'll talk about that later. But you have to know this as well: Lance was messing with me too. Only strong Fallen can do that. He's a danger to everyone here. I knew that already, he's Fallen for crying out loud, but even more so if he can control me. So first of all, I want to say I'm sorry." He pauses, but I don't look up. I feel a soft cupped hand guiding my face up to meet Jack's startling close one. For a beat, he holds my gaze longer than necessary but I do not pull away. "For the most part, I wasn't myself. Anything that was out of the ordinary was all part of the fog he put over me," Jack continues to say, his breath dancing across my face, his eyes holding mine captivated.

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