The Angel's Sacrifice Ch. 10

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Step. Step. Step.

Jack and I wind our way up the spiral staircases. After we had walked to the west wing, we had taken a sharp left and had arrived at the foot of the steep stairs we are now climbing. Much like the hallways, the stairs have medieval-like decorations. I wonder why the castle is so old fashion and I think about Jack and what information he might give to me.

Step. Step. Step.

Every once in awhile, there would be a glass window that was much in the shape of that of a stain glass window and I would peer out eagerly. Instead of the lake and woods, I would see the mountains. They are capped with white snow and trees tipped with ice.

Step. Step. Step.

Lost in thoughts about the mountain, I continue up the stairs, following as closely as I dared to Jack. Still never looking back, Jack had been stalk straight since the main hallway. But that changed as Jack abruptly stopped. I almost ran into him and had to latch onto the stone wall next to me.

Turning towards me, Jack stares a moment before quite forcefully saying, "Never come up here. Ever. If you need to talk to me or something happens, stay where you are at and call my name." His tone left no room for debate.

Personally, I had no problem with that. The more I thought about it, the less I liked the idea of us going to Jack's room-- alone.

Clearly waiting for an answer, Jack stares into my eyes, arms crossed. "Yeah, no problem. Jack's room equals off limits," I mutter. What's his problem? I think to myself as Jack turns forward again.

We continue up the stairs for a minute or so before stopping again. We had reached a little platform with a dark oak door. It was quite intricate, with little designs all over. The door handle was in a "U" shape, like a knocker or something.

I look on as Jack says a few words under his breath. I hear a small click and the door slowly opens to reveal Jack's room.

Jack steps to the side, gesturing for me to walk in first. This makes me a bit uneasy but I oblige.

Inside, I see that the room is circular except in the back where there is a small alcove. In the indentation Jack's bed resides. Floor to ceiling black curtains surround the room on all sides. Curious, I slowly walk over to one of them. I try to find the center, so I may open it but there is none. Interesting, I think to myself. I look to the side and see there is a thick black rope to the side. I side-step and judge the rope. Oblivious to Jack, I shrug and yank down hard on the material, curious as to what it might do.

The sunny afternoon light blinds me, and I suppose Jack too, as it fills the room. I watch as the curtains all sweep to one side. I gasp in delight as everything is revealed. Jack's "walls" are all windows. And not only that, the mountains that I was admiring just a few minutes ago are now staring back at me. The sight is spectacular.

In awe, I plop down on the oak floors and stare at the beautiful sight before me. "You have this landscape to admire and you cover it up?" I ask incredulously.

Jack chuckles as he comes over to me. Keeping a respectful distance, he says, "Well when you've seen it for so long, you get used to it."

"I don't know how you could ever get used to this," I breathe. Then I snap my head towards Jack. "Wait, how long did you say you were here?" I know he didn't say a specific number, but it was time for him to spill his guts.

Jack smiles, but it doesn't reach his eyes. "That's part of the grand story I'm about to tell you." His words are layered with sarcasm. Then he smiles for real as he adds, "Unless you’d rather watch the mountains..."

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