The Angel's Sacrifice Ch. 3

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Face down on the comforter, silent tears streak across my face. I know I shouldn't cry, there still might be some hope, but things look rather bleak. I drift into a troubled sleep as salty tears continue to cleanse my cheeks.


Hours later, I can tell my eyes are still red and my stomach is growling. I sniffle then shake my head-- what's the point? It’s not like there's room service in this god-forsaken mansion.

I've exhausted every possibility but there appears to be no way out. I put my head in my hands and try not cry all over again. But I look up when I feel unnatural happiness fill my being.

Standing before me is my father. "DAD!" I yell as I rush into his embrace. "Where is this place? How do I get home? Is the family okay?" The questions stream one after another. I look up to his face and it's then that I notice his face not crinkled with happiness but lined with worry. "What, Dad? What's wrong?" I laugh with out happiness as I continue, "Other than the obvious?"

Shaking his head, my dad walks over to the bed and sits. "Come," he says, patting his lap. With out hesitating, I sit. Face grim, he takes a deep breath, "I can't stay here for much longer. Jack, the Angel that's keeping you captive here, has too many Fallens protecting this property. I... I regret to say that there aren't a lot of Angels that were willing to help. I just barely made it in here. I can't tell you everything that's been going on-- that would take too much time-- but I know where you can find the knowledge: a book. There-" A loud knock interrupts my dad. His eyes are laced with fear as he quickly whispers, "In the library-- a book called 'Heaven'. It will tell you what you need to know." There is another knock, louder this time. "Read that book at all costs!" Dad says as he disappears into the air.

"Dad..." I sigh. My last link to the outside world, to my family, gone... My natural emotions flood back in to replace Dad's aurora of happiness. I turn my head towards the door as it bursts open. "We are to take you to your permanent quarters," one of my "body-guards" says. He looks suspiciously around before returning his eyes to mine. "Grab your backpack and get out here," his friend growls when I don't move. There is an underlying threat so I hustle to get my stuff together.

Clutching my bag, I take a step outside of the room. Escape no longer in mind, I take in the hallway. It’s bigger than I expected-- you could easily lay five people horizontally across. Like the room, tapestries are hung from the ceiling. Gruesome fairy tales are depicted, embroidered in the cloth. I try not to look at them too much as we walk.

Tones of both maroon and deep brown are used to color the place. Between the tapestries, the walls are decorated with various weapons, and polished suits of armor.

In an effort to spread my knowledge of my new prison, I try to memorize the route we are taking but fail miserably. Navigation skills aren't my strong point, but I remind myself that I have to try. I desperately hope that some prominent landmark will be around but there is none. Just long rows of armor and the occasional oddity, but none are special enough to be used as a landmark.

Finally, we stop in front of what appears to be my bedroom for the duration of my stay-- no scratch that, my life it appears. Immediately I take it back. I will survive, I can do this... I then stumble upon an idea, a tiny one, but an idea nonetheless.

One of the two men takes a step forward to open the door and it swishes open. Turning to me, he says, "This is where you will live from now on." Then, grinning maliciously he adds, "Enjoy."

Nodding at the other brute, they both shove me in to the room and I am alone once more. Except this time, I have the beginnings of a plan.

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