The Angel's Sacrifice Ch. 13

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All grows deathly quite. My heart beats rapidly in my ear and I can tell that my face drains of all color. I knew that my death had loomed over my head since I had been dragged to this cursed castle but never had I felt it so acutely. But as much as I want to turn away, I'm held petrified before the door. I try to move my feet but they do not obey. They only move a smidge towards the stairs. I have no more time to think of this before my attention snaps back to Jack's room.

An evil laugh sounds inside the room as Lance says, "Good... She dies-- tonight!" I suck in my breath, and then quickly slap a hand over my mouth. How stupid-- he can hear me!

The unsettling quiet returns and I hear a distinct step coming towards me from the other side of the door. My heart beats loud and clear inside my head. I struggle to move my legs but they still don't move more than a centimeter at a time. My eyes are as wide as saucer plates as the handle on the door turns.

"Wait!" The door knob stops.

"What is it?" Lance says letting go of the door handle completely. His voice is as cold as ice. I hear heavy footsteps.

"Let's... let's wait until tomorrow night. She... won't suspect anything," I hear Jack say. Scared as I am, I can't help but tilt my head. Jack's voice sounds hypnotic, but I hear a layer of fear under it.

The seconds pass as long as hours. Lance's voice is faint, but I strain my ears enough to hear him spit, "Fine."

Any moron could tell that Lance isn't pleased but I don't care. I have one night to get out of this hell hole-- for real.

The hold over my body is released and I stumble backwards. I suck in a breath, holding it, waiting to see if anyone has noticed. When there isn't an obvious movement back towards the door, I thank my lucky stars and sprint as quietly as I can back to my room. 


I slam my door shut (I don't think I've ever calmly closed this door...) and lock it. No bolt can withstand a Fallen, but it makes me feel better nonetheless.

My chest is still thumping, but I try to remain calm as I pack. Somewhat level headed, I search for the best clothes to fit the winter weather and a weapon of some sort. I of course find nothing substantial. I continue to pack all that I can fit into a duffel bag.


Packed and ready to go, I slip the bag under my bed. Standing up and wiping my hands on the bedspread, I take another sweep of the room one last time. My eyes spot the black book, still lying on my desk. Although it's rather heavy, it's very useful...

I mentally shrug and pick up the manual. I flip through the pages, not really reading. It has been so difficult to be with out my family, to not know if they show hints of remembering me. Questions that I have thought of before rush to the front of my brain. Where will I go? How will I live? And now that I know the stupid forest is a magic labyrinth, how am I supposed to get out of the surrounding landscape?

It's not till later that I notice small tears dripping onto my shirt. I sniffle. There's so much crap that I've had to go through. I wish it could all just be over.

"It won't be for quite awhile."

I snap the book shut in surprise and look up. Dad!

He sits on the other side of my bed. He looks haggard and older then when I last saw him. His eyes are sunken in and they've lost their cheerful glow from my childhood.

As happy as I am to see him, I walk slowly towards my dad, unsure what to do or say.

When I near him, he starts to speak. "First you, then the rest of the family... And now they want to kill you tomorrow... When did everything go so wrong?" Dad whimpers as he puts his head in his hands. I've never seen my dad this defeated.

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