~9 Part 3~

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"In Ninjago, there has always been a balance between light and dark. This you all know without a doubt. And I'm sure the legend of my son, the Overlord is known throughout history. But it's what came before him that is not known."

"In the beginning, before Ninjago, only the First Spinjitzu Master and I were here."

"The First Spinjitzu Master and I lived together in peace, honoring the balance. But then he decided to use his elemental powers in order to create. He first created Ninjago. But then he was creating life itself. Flowing rivers, plants of all forms. He could break the earth, then make it rise again to form the mountains."

"I was jealous. For my darkness did not posses such a skill. His light was overtaking my darkness. And without me having this ability, the balance was shifting. I decided to try my hand at creating, but it didn't work. I couldn't use my darkness the way he could use his energy."

"I started searching Ninjago for a way for me to create as well and finally came across a place dripping with evil. Land filled with dark essence. Using this I was able to create the Overlord. He was my successor. I taught him how to use the dark energy he possessed, combined with the natural essence in order for us to create."

"Eventually my son created his indestructible stone army. A truly magnificent creation."

"But the First Spinjitzu Master came to us, telling us the balance was shifting too much in our direction. This had the potential to destroy everything should it go unchecked."

""Why not all darkness?" I asked him. If there is only darkness, then we didn't have to worry about the balance at all."

"This is what led to our battles. Darkness against the First Spinjitzu Master. He fought with his golden energy and I had the help of the Overlord with his army."

"This battle could've gone on forever. But my side was finally overpowering him. But what he did next, was unforeseen by me. Using his golden energy, he was able to get rid of my form and I was cast throughout Ninjago, nothing but the concentrated evil that you have all witnessed."

"But he didn't stop there. Instead of losing the battle, the First Spinjitzu Master split Ninjago in 2."

"The Overlord and his army became trapped on the Dark Island. I however was cast everyone through both island, unable to come back into my true form."

"So, you're history does prove right that the battle was never finished. But it was never the battle between the First Spinjitzu Master and the Overlord. It was against him and darkness it self."


"The battle you just fought in, Lloyd, was actually of great benefit to me. You see, my son was waiting this entire time for the battle to start once again. Using my concentrated evil in order to create the Ultimate Weapon. A weapon with the ability to shift the balance so we could cross over into your world, the side that had the rest of my being. Such a loyal son, he sacrificed himself in order for me to be complete once more."

"So this is really proving to be wonderful for me!" I exclaim, "my plan was to destroy everything he created for what he did to me, but this is even more than I was expecting. I have both of the First Spinjitzu Master's sons," I say pointing at the 2 men, "as well as his grandson." I say looking at Lloyd, "not to mention the fact I am actually possessing his granddaughter?! This is too good to be true. I can exact my revenge on his family."

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