~9 Part 2~

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I feel a hand on my shoulder and discover it's my brother. I stand up. I look around and see the Overlord was gone.

"You did it!" I exclaim, hugging him, which he returns. Then I get a better look at him. "And I gotta say, I'm loving the new look."

He laughs.

Then I look around us as realize we're still in the orb.

"Or did you do it?..."

"Yes, I stopped him. It's using all of my energy to hold him off. Not all that's left is for you to absorb the darkness."

My mouth drops open, "absorb all this?! This is massive! How the hell am I supposed to take all this in?!" I say gesturing around us. The orb was big enough to begin with, but now that I know that the Overlord's darkness was added in here too, it was to much.

"Not to mention the fact I still don't know how... I mean yes I did this before with the concentrated evil from Garmatron, but that was nothing compared to this."

My twins puts a hand on my shoulder, "you can do this! You were absorbing darkness earlier and I know this is was more. But that darkness from before wasn't even phasing you."

I was listening, but still looking around the darkness, taking in the full mass of it.

"Hey." Lloyd says, trying to get my attention.

I was starting to freak out. My breath was coming out in gasps and I was shaking like crazy.

"Hey, look at me." He says

Finally I do.

"You can do this. I believe in you. You were there for me and now I'm gonna be here for you."

"I wasn't really there when you were actually fighting the Overlord. There wasn't much I could do anyways."

"That's not true. You were fighting with everyone you had even without powers. And you being there was enough. So now it's my turn. I'm gonna be here for you to help you through this whole thing. I've got your back." He says with a smirk.

"Dang it, you can't use that against me!" I say with a nervous laugh.

"Alright it's now or never because Lloyd can't hold this for much longer."

"Please, Linds?"

I nod, "okay..." I say breathlessly, "let's do it."

Lloyd smiles at me, reassuringly.

The orb starts to dematerialize and turn back into the clouds. I walk up to the smoky substance and reach my hands out. I hesitate for a one more brief second before touching the cloud.

The darkness runs through my fingers, I can feel it entering my body, running through my bloodstream the same way the venom does.

The streams of darkness I'm taking in was too much. It was tiring me out really quickly, but I had to keep going. I started to take it in even faster in order to get this process done and over with. Also because Lloyd was getting tired of holding it off as well.

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